Reviews for The Return
Guest chapter 1 . 1/3/2018
I read this fic a few months ago but forgot to leave a review. It wasn't till I read Light of A Single Candle that I realized this was the same author. I was in tears. I can totally see Qui-Gon kissing Obi-Wan's forehead, his cheeks, his eyelids, all over his face, like he's breathing him in, trying to remember what it was like to be able to comfort Obi-Wan physically after all that lost time. And the touching reactions Obi-Wan's friends- beautifully written. We need a fic like this, but between Obi-Wan and Anakin- like Anakin coming home from a mission or something, or vice-versa. I don't know, but this was beautiful. We need more Qui/Obi father/son fics, and we definitely need more writers like yourself! Thank you for sharing such a heart-warming and beautiful piece. One of my favorites.
Delete-account-please-7751512 chapter 1 . 4/19/2016
Liked it.
Celeste Belle chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
You made me cry. It was very sweet. And sad.
Gratia Astra chapter 1 . 12/30/2013
PS-Then Siri started hauling Bant down towards them, with Garen and Reeft hot on their heels. They all ran like mad people, crashing into him, hugging him as if they would never let go. And well, they didn't really have to.
*sigh* I'm happy now. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have been reunited and my poor, dear Obi-Wan no longer has to suffer at the hands of Sith bastards. I do so love a good "Okay well if they HAVE to die then at least take them to a beautiful afterlife where they can live with all their lost loved-ones". Like in Harry Potter with Sirius and James and Remus. Or Lord of the Rings with Legolas and Aragorn after the king passed away. Yep, I love it I love I love it.
CosmicEssence chapter 1 . 10/23/2012
I would think he'd want to be a knight at least instead of a perpetual padawan...all rather convenient that they all want to be the same age as when they were young. So whose going to be waiting on Anakin I wonder? Surely Obi wouldnt greet him as a boy?
Bloody Phantom chapter 1 . 9/6/2012
oh, what a touching return! he's home, right where he belongs and with who he belongs with...great job!
MuggleCreator chapter 1 . 8/4/2012
Awww! Sweet. Wish you'd shown his reunion with Siri...and the others...too.
BladedBlossom chapter 1 . 5/13/2012
It seems I never reviewed this. Whoops. I've read it a few times now and it's just so fulfilling, like I myself am Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon. Being that I love their master-apprentice bond best of all, this fic touches a warm place deep inside.

The reunion between Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan was perfect. I love how they spend their time caressing, holding, weeping. It's so right given that they've been in contact vocally and perhaps visually, but not tactilely. And I always think of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon having a very tactile way of conveying affection.

I like his friends in the background and that it was Bant who kindly offered Qui-Gon the coveted honor of being the first to greet Obi-Wan, even though they have been waiting for him longer, in a sense. It was very in-character for Bant to do it, being that Qui-Gon has a soft spot for her and she's very empathetic. Great how you show the boys so happy and doing their best to be all manly, but grinning like fools. Everyone was portrayed perfectly. Even Siri had the right sass. I like how you kept the focus on Master and apprentice, and that Obi-Wan clearly wanted and was happy to take his place once again at Qui-Gon's side, waving cheerily to his closest friends. You manage to convey how secure and right both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon feel to be together again, that deep in their hearts and souls, the reunion has healed them. I knew there was a reason I favorited this.
Elerrina Star chapter 1 . 2/28/2012
Ok, so. I realize that this story is almost seven years old and a new review will probably come as a surprise, but I just have to. 1) because this story deserves WAY MORE than the 10 (now 11) reviews it's gotten. And 2) because I am utterly in love with this fic.

To be honest I have read this one-shot probably... Oh... A dozen times now? For whatever reason I bookmarked it on my iPod but never favorited or reviewed until now (shame on me). Anyway, I have read this many, many times and let me tell you that I bawl my eyes out every single time.

Obviously I'm a Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan fangirl, and the end of TPM always makes me ridiculously sad because OMG - Qui-Gon is dead and poor Obi has to deal with all that future crap all alone. But this - this fic goes a long way to making everything right again. Qui-Gon and Obi are together, ALL the Jedi are together, and it's just so beautiful and happy... And I love you for it. Seriously, THANK YOU for this amazing 'shot. It has made me cry more times than is probably healthy and is most likely my very favorite Star Wars fic. EVER.
AldabaranFox chapter 1 . 6/13/2011
I remember reading this a while ago and then losing where I had found it- I never knew it was one of yours! Just as I love your other stories- this one was awesome! :D I loved the reunion between Qui and Obi- so touching after all those years of being apart. And Obi-Wan's friends' reactions too. All together again :D

writemealovesong chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
this was absolutely stunning. i loved the way you wrote qui-gon and obi-wan.
Trakrat chapter 1 . 2/28/2010
This was sweet! I'm a little confused though... was this after he had died, and he's rejoining his friends in the Force, or did he come home from a mission?
ladyflutter chapter 1 . 8/4/2009
This is so sweet! I'm so glad you posted it, and SO glad that you noted it as NON-SLASH. Personally, I can't picture these two ever having *that* kind of relationship, but I can see how your story could be construed to mean that. Awesome little gem! :)
Clouded Horizon chapter 1 . 2/9/2006
That was lovely! There is no other word to describe it! I'm crying, for goodness sake! One question, though: when and where is this set?
Jenn1 chapter 1 . 1/15/2006
I was happily surprised to see you wrote some Star Wars fics. I do love Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan father/son fics. Though it's been a while since I've read and even longer since I've wrote them.

This was very mushy, but I liked it. It's different than Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan reunion fics I've read. Not bad.

Now I'm off to read your other SW fics.
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