Reviews for To Walk on Water
elsiek chapter 15 . 10/17/2017
I enjoyed this story, thank you.
JenniferAnn0124 chapter 15 . 1/18/2011
Great story!
hollow echos chapter 15 . 2/16/2010
This was such a fantastic story! I loved the way you integrated Mckay's personal struggles with his own father in with the present. And of course Sheppard and Beckett doing a little comforting is always a good thing :) On the whole, a great fic, thanks for the enjoyable read!
Whirlwind421 chapter 15 . 5/7/2009
Good story! Well done!
Space1Traveler chapter 15 . 4/18/2008
Whew! What angst for Rodney, but what a great buddy story too.


Shooting the physician and accusing glare, he reached down and peeled it off, before balling it up and tossing it at Beckett. “Just couldn’t resist, could you. Stab a man while he’s down.”

The quiet familiar brogue made Rodney fear that he had finally lost it and was beginning to hallucinate. “Now you’ve done it,” he whispered, “you’ve brought him back from the dead.” He felt a hysterical giggle form in the back of his throat at the thought. “Carson Beckett of the Clan McBeckett, back for your head,” he was able to wheeze out before his knees buckled again, this time his captor no longer able to hold him upright.

Heart stopping moment:

Carson knew he was in serious trouble when he could no longer see his friend, and catching a glimpse of Lokii’s face in the darkness revealed only madness. Reaching out to grasp the ambassador’s arm, he was surprised when the crazed man lifted him and tossed him as easily as he had his son. Next thing the physician knew, he was sailing off the balcony, out over the open water.

Great story and I loved the ride. I'm liking your Rodney more and more. Thanks.
ferryboat George chapter 15 . 3/13/2008
You naughty girl, making me stay up till 12:30 because I couldn't stop reading :P Wonderful story and I hope you did write a sequel. I'll refrain from looking tonight (or would that now be this morning?)
lindajrjt chapter 15 . 2/10/2008
Good story and I do hope you have a sequel to this already done. As always I enjoyed this one very much. Your style of writing is quite good and I hope to enjoy many more.
AlmostHeaven chapter 15 . 7/13/2007
What a great story! Poor Rodney thinking Carson was dead. I look forward to a follow up story.
Semaphora chapter 14 . 6/19/2007
Both beginning and the end of this chapter are too different to compete with one another. On one hand, I love the beginning due to the whole 'This is a hostage situation' sort of thing, coming from the inside and all, and the dread and suspence that taking the drugs and worrying about ones safety will do.

Whereas, on the other hand, I do like the ending sector, as it shows what the rest of the characters are trying to do to help them, as well as figuring out the risks and the shock eminating from what has happened.

Characterisation is WAY to hard to deal in this chapter. My choice is all of them. Beckett, McKay, Lokii are all so independendly developed characters. Beckett is so brave in taking a tablet that could very well kill him to save his friend, Lokii is just plain evil in himself, as well as his drug addiction, and McKay throwing the shelf was just so addictive by itself. That would have to be my favorite part of the whole chapter.

As for the outside characters, the addition of Teyla was nice. Sheppard leading, with his trademark routine, was also great and realistic and believable events on his part, but Zelencha, the good doctor, was also great to begin with.

The nurse was good, coming back to them and informing them of the situation. When I read that part, I remember thinking 'this all is falling together really well'.

And it is. Most definitely well.

One more chapter to go. I shudder to think of what lies behind pressing that one little button. I sure have loved reading this story, and I'll be sad to read the end of it.

Then again, you probably have something special in store for us, dont you?

Just keeps getting better and better and better and better.

Final review coming up!


Semaphora chapter 13 . 6/19/2007
But... But he's not holding McKay anymore!

What the shizz?

Ok. Maybe I just read wrong, so whatever. But that little bump aside - this chapter is bordering on being my second favorite. I love the sense of dread as well as the indication that McKay truely thought Carson was dead. That was just lovely. And even now, he still believes that he's a halucination.

And his quotes? "Carson Beckett from the clan McBeckett, back for your head." That made me laugh so damn much. At least he's stopped the voodoo jokes. Or has he? I have no idea what the last two chapters have planned, so I wouldn't know.

Hm. Characterisation is hard to choose this chapter. Rodney seemed sort of out of it, but then again, his resignation to what was happening was so strong. I liked the nurse. She played damsel in distress pretty well, as well as standing up to Lokii when she told the truth about the code on the pill despencers.

But the points would have to be torn between Carson, whose bravery is astoundingly amazing, utterly strong and heartwarming to even the cruelest one - and, of course, our demon in ritual robes, Lokii himself. His drug-induced personality is just so terrifyingly insane, that it enthralls the reader.

I love it. I love it. I love it.

I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chapter. On towards it, then.


Semaphora chapter 12 . 6/19/2007
Yay! Fish! I love fish!

Sorry. Moment of randomness there.

I honestly don't see these 'kinks' you refer to, but maybe you've already rewrote it or maybe its just something you as an author can see. But whichever, I loved this chapter and I still do believe that it is a good part of the story.

The Silly Hair remarks made me laugh a little, and feel very muchly sorry for Bengi. Poor kid. He seems to have gone through a lot. He and Sheppard get points for characterisation, as they seem to be the mains in this chapter.

Lokii is most definitely elevating as quite the evil man. If child abuse wasn't enough, no drug addiction?

Jeez. You make a GOD story. No, good is an understatement. Try great. Definitely, fantastically great.

Zelencha also made another debut in this chapter. I like his character in this one, also, because he rebels against Sheppard and wins. And he's right, of course, they DO need him.

Now I'm in total suspence on the next chapter. Luckily, I dont have to wait long! That's the best part about being belated, I guess, but then again - I've already covered up on that.

Another note on the character front - Stackhouse was a nice addition. He hasn't been in many of the stories I've read so far, but you really seemed to express a kind-hearted, military man. I love the reference to his nefew that he makes and how warm and tender he seems to be with Bengi.

Gawd. That kid has them wrapped around his little finger, doesn't he? And I dont think they even mind a bit, because I sure dont. He's so cute.

I do hope to see more of Beckett soon, and definitely more of McKay. Which I do believe is coming up soon, ne? I can only hope. With this said, the plot seems to slowly be coming to a steady pace, with the wild ride still in tow, for there are only three chapters left...

Three chapters! Golly gosh.

I'm missing it already.


Semaphora chapter 11 . 6/19/2007
Commas are annoying, period. I find your lengths of chapters to be perfect and agree with your statement of indigestion.

But that little rant aside, I would have to say that out of all Eleven chapters I have read of this story - this one is, by far, my favorite.

Of course, characterisation goes to Rodney. A marvelous feat you achieved there, m'dear, with the emotion and expression of his personality, as well as his desire for revenge and putting the past to rest. Lokii was also nicely done, with his completely abhorring person deserving a kick from everyone in Atlantis, and extra from McKay and Bengi.

Yay, beat the bad dude.

Anyway... This chapter. What can I say that I haven't already echoed in all the other chapters? I've said 'Its stunning' enough for you to want to round-house me in the head the next time it comes forth from these rapidly typing fingers and half brain-dead mind. 'Wow' may also have been exaggerated.

But what the hey.

Wow. Its stunning.

Completely and utterly and fantabulously (Not a word, I know) and awesome-tasmically (Also not a word) great.

See? I'm so speechless, my words are coming out of a dictionary not even I know the language of. But which, of course, roughly translates into - thats so effing awesome.

I love you. Marry me? Have my kids?

Kidding, kidding, kidding. But I do love this story, and I totally envy your talent. Your level of awesomeness is beyond me.

But enough of my fan-girl babbling, I really should get back to the comments on the actual story.

The action. Ah, yes, the action. The fight scene near the end definitely spurred the mention of the action. Just reading over it makes me giggle in kick-ass awesomeness. Except, really, it's Rodney's ass being kicked, which isn't really awesome, but you DID describe it so well, that I still grin when seeing it.

The last line, by far, was my favorite. Especially references to the bloody hand prints on the walls and his rambling of the Periodic table. Thats SO Rodney.

Love it. Love it. Love it.

See you next chapter,

Semaphora chapter 10 . 6/18/2007
And here comes the action.

Might I inform you of how much I simply LOVE action? Well, now you know. And the mixture of action, humor, angst and, of course, Stargate, is enough to make my head fly off. This just keeps getting better and better. Like a rollercoaster ride, only without the puke.

Bad example, I know, but I'm not very lyrical in myself. You, however, manage to get all the good synonyms and words and descriptions and events to work with each other. This is a feat not achieved by many stories or authors, so I congradulate you. Some authors almost always have characterisation and plot ideas working against each other, but the characters flow so smoothly along with your story that it works as a perfect harmonial balance.

Its enough to make me cry. The wonderous splendor of this work, I mean. And then there's the actual subject matter of this... Heavenly.

Okay. Characterisation and personality points go to Sheppard, this time, and his strength in coming to Carson's aid and helping him along. What really influenced me about him was at the end, also, and his complete intent to find Rodney. Weir, in her little moment of spotlight, was also very, very well written. Her concern and the sudden anger sprouting from that concern when she realised that there was something about her precious team members she didn't know was down to a perfect, straight, wonderous T.

And now, of course, this is the part where it all gets COOL. Not that the rest wasn't cool, it was, yet this is taking cool to a whole new level...

...A whole new "Action" level.

In summary. I love. Ready to read more.


Semaphora chapter 9 . 6/18/2007
My god.

No, Carson. No, Rodney. No, Bengi. Poor dears. Yet this is written so well, I just have to adore the mad-man prospect of Lokii. A very nice, unstable character you have built there, and he adds a new type of spice into the story.

So he has my characterisation points, because without him, the plot of this story would be successfully dead, due to the lack of conjuring up the evil memories of Rodney's past and causing this whole ordeal in the first place.

But, of course, it happened and, subsequently, this story is now written. And an awesome story it is.

Away from the obvious villian, I love the the beginning of this chapter, with Rodney and his reminising, especially with something other than his horrid family life. His immedient friendship with Carson is so touching, and his eventual bond with John was emphasised by your writings. Closer than brothers is an understatement.

Carson waiting outside for Rodney, knowing full well he was sitting in that elevator for over a half an hour, was so touching I just wanted to hug the Scot. Rodney, too, was written pretty well, with his irritation at the slightest thing being played to its maximum and best. Also, the prospect of another mental breakdown also gave the chapter an edge.

Edges. Spices. Corners... This story just has so much that others dont! The friendship thing is getting really, really interesting and, of course, totally touching.

And now, I must curse the cliffhanger on behalf of those who had to wait a while for the next update.

And now, after the above 'and now' I will celebrate because I, of course, do not have to wait a while for the next update.

Belatedness DOES have its good points.

Chapter Ten, here I come.

Watch out,

Semaphora chapter 8 . 6/18/2007
Ah, the gorgeousness of picking on Ford. I love McKay and Zelencha. They have such great chemistry together. It must be all that brain compacity, filled with useful knowledge of things we cant even hope to understand. Amazing.

The confrontation had chills going down my spine. I like the establishment of being an enemy against the Ambassador in McKay's words as well as Lokii's anger and coldness towards Rodney and his comebacks. It just proves that they're never gonna get along, right? Well I think its perfect.

Ford and Sheppard's minute bet made me laugh. I also liked the whole Batman and Robin example, as well as making the whole Superhero and Sidekick dealio relate to them in the first place. I guess I could always see McKay and Zelencha as Hero and Sidekick when I really think about it.

But god. Characterisation points go to Zelencha in this chapter. “I forgot to reset power level after last test. Oops. Guess I must turn in sidekick cape.” That made me laugh so very much. Zelencha's humor is awesome, obviously less snarky than McKay, and his accent just makes it even more better. You wrote him very well and I also thought Beckett at the beginning of this chapter was also very well done, as well as the Rodney/Carson banter.


The warning at the end of this chapter, though, makes me want more, as per usual. It also sets the darkness into effect more, despite the light tone of most of this Chapter.

Moving on to Number Nine.

And can't wait for it.


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