Reviews for Midnight
Blu3 FaY chapter 1 . 12/6/2009
"I want you to know, Kazuki... how beautiful you are right now."

Such beatiful words! This story is pretty cute! A bit sad about Juubeis situation...but still romantic! If I were Kazuki, I would have cry haha. I guess it has to be difficult to be blind or be the lover of that person and he tells you that he cant remember well...but then just with his tone can thin different!


Thanks for sharing and god job!
Account abandoned. abandoned chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
oww, I loved it!
Vaoni chapter 1 . 3/23/2008
That was amazing... I loved it!
georgia chapter 1 . 11/14/2007
That was so lovely! *passes out from the beauty* Juubei is such a dork; I love him. Thanx for writing this _
Master Jesse chapter 1 . 7/9/2007
Wow. I love the last thing Juubei says. SO sweet.
Mrs Hatake Itachi chapter 1 . 12/2/2006
Very good!
radishface chapter 1 . 10/20/2006
"Juubei's chest felt tight. The sort of tightness that comes from a happiness that's so overpowering, it makes you feel as if you're going to cry."

That described me for like half this story.

I don't know if multiparters are your thing, and there's such a huge discrepancy between one-shorts and multiparts, but... you write so well, with such command over the push and pull of emotions in the reader, that I know that a Juubei/Kazuki epic would be just that... completely epic. And good. And wonderful.

Thanks also for putting up the fanart resources, too! :) I've already gone through one whole gallery... *sigh* ...I really should be doing work ...meh.
Alisha Williams chapter 1 . 9/26/2006
I really wanted to comment on this story even though it's kind of old. At the top the author claims to have no talent; however, this is an exceptional story. The portrayal of emotions is expertly done, and this is one of the few fanfictions that is capable of winning my sympathy. Not only does this story use the characters believably, the story itself is surprisingly powerful and beautiful. I'd like to thank the author for her contribution.
smile78mtl chapter 1 . 8/19/2006
This is good. Have you ever thought of writing more for this fic? There isn't many Kazu/Juube fic out there. And, this one has such a great beginning. I wish that it could have continue and develope their relationship further and get their journey to somewhere beyond just close friendship. Plus if Juube's vision comes back would be very nice to see.

Well... anyways...thanks for the read.

Morrigan Mikagami chapter 1 . 10/10/2005
Oh geez I thought I had reviewed this already! This is one of my fave's JuKazu fics-EVER. I can't say no more but *very great work* _ I think it's so sweet, especially at the end when Juubei embraced Kazu-chan..despite his angsting at the beginning. Kyah~! :) yay for JuKazu!
C.Queen chapter 1 . 10/2/2005
Now that was very, very cute heh. I can't imagine what it is to be blind, least of all when you were once able to see. Not to be able to see the faces of your loved ones especially. You captured that idea perfectly and I'm very impressed and you should be proud. Thank you for a wonderful story.
Joybug chapter 1 . 9/10/2005
That was so sweet, whimper, I just love those two.

THank you for writing such a good story.

Miyosuke chapter 1 . 8/19/2005
That was lovely. Especially the last line. Wonderful work.
OJaganshi chapter 1 . 8/10/2005
Yet another lovely Jubei/Kazuki fanfic. I love your work. It always seems to make me feel like I'm actually being sucked into it.
HjNao chapter 1 . 7/17/2005
aww this is a kawaii fic! i loved how you were so detailed in everything and the ending was perfect.
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