Reviews for Dreams Stained Scarlet
The 5 of Spades chapter 4 . 2/17/2013
I'm sorry, but- Lily was the best at potions besides Severus! How could you say she wasn't?! That's- like- basic knowledge!

Other than that, this is great!
EsmeeTheSuperhero chapter 40 . 1/27/2013
Brilliant! Been reading this all day xD Amazing plot and perfectly written. Jily is my OTP and I have been looking for a decent fanfiction for aaages! Well done!:-) x x
LittleLostNightingale chapter 40 . 12/16/2010
Please reserrect this story i beg you.
AGirlWithMoreThanDreams chapter 40 . 5/15/2010
i like it but its been like years since u updated please dont neglect it any longer!
Sirius'Padfoot'Black4eva chapter 3 . 7/16/2009
cool story
theorderofpants chapter 40 . 7/4/2009
awesome fanfic, loved it! shame you havent written in a while, if you can PLEASE WRITE!

xxcallmecrazyxx chapter 40 . 7/2/2009
Hey, you should update!
Binka chapter 40 . 6/5/2009
I've really enjoyed reading this and so wish you'd finished it, but it was worth the read nontheless. I got a little confused with this chapter as you'd already had Lily have a careers interview with Professor McGonagall and she clearly stated she wanted to be an auror, I think it's because of what happened to her parents. Oh and at the same time Dumbledore gave her the option of joining the order of the phoenix. I know you mentioned Slughorn a couple of times, Oh and I think Professor Sprout was in there at the beginning somewhee, but I'm not sure about anyone else. Sorry if you've not looked at this for a while you mightn't know why i said that, you asked if you'd mentioned other teachers apart from McGonagall. I'll keep an eye out incase you do update, but if not thanks for the story so far, it was brilliant.
LillyFlowerLovesHerHunnie chapter 40 . 3/7/2009
I love it!
MaybeKindaSorta chapter 40 . 1/18/2009
This is so good! Can't wait for next chapter!
sad person chapter 40 . 10/14/2008
update please i've been waiting

i check back every day

for me

please :(
Blueberre chapter 40 . 5/16/2008
wow great story!

i was just wondering if u've abandonded it? cause u haven't updated in a year!
Princess-Amity chapter 40 . 1/20/2008

very very god! 1 of the best i have read! :D

the relationship between James and Lily is very relistic!

excellent writing, keep up the great work!

:D :D :D

ElvendorkLuVer chapter 1 . 9/2/2007
plz update!
ovidius-naso chapter 40 . 8/20/2007
Your story is so good!

It's addicting!

But you should add in a bit more of the Remus/Heather romance

Remus is so cute, I devour his FanFics


That's just a small suggestion though

Keep writing!
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