Reviews for Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal
Akodo1 chapter 20 . 2/5/2018
This work, like the previous one, despite its incomplete state, is excellent. Great hits, great plot, small mistakes.
The main mistake is the same as the last time, Argal always perfect and unbeatable and also Kerak defeating a Grom with insulting ease when Grom was supposed to be the greatest orc warrior of his time and almost unbeatable in battle, but loses miserably and pathetically Kerak, who never loses, of course. What takes away from Grom his own virtue is an almost unbeatable warrior and leaves him absolutely ridiculous.
Apart from that, he is perfect, a great warrior, one of the best of his time and a complete idiot tremendously easy to manipulate and manipulate, being one of the snowiest characters in the entire universe of Warcraft6. Only surpassed in pure stupidity by his own son.
The orcs' selfishness is impressive enough to defeat others. Everyone believes that the only one capable of leading the horde, or defeating the Alliance or revenge or whatever. Apparently none of the great leaders does not take into account any internment camp and free other prisoners to join their ranks. Of course, all orcs, except Gelmar, are outraged by these fields, while avoiding to think that they have done something too bad to have won the war.
On the other hand, the Alliance is breaking as much as the normal canon, it is what happens with an alliance of convenience created by necessity when the reason for its existence to have been solved.
That Turalyon has his faults is fine, everyone, except Argal, of course, have them in this story. Although I do not think he would do anything wrong if Janella was as stupid as for the Compact, she was a traitor and had to be treated accordingly. Hanging is the traditional medieval punishment for traitors if I remember correctly.
The behavior of Minvare is for me the wrong and wrong, his tantrum on a grimace for years that is apparently unable to overcome, results in more and more people dead of necessity and makes all his outrage at the wick of a hypocrite, as well as his obsession with it kills many more
But I guess the tragedy of the situation is that someone less rigid and inflexible than Turalyon could have executed too, which was the right thing to do, and then he has found a way to explain his motives better and build bridges and repair the relationship with Minvare.
Maybe Turalyon is too inflexible and rigid but when you are a leader, especially a military and war is better than an extreme that is too soft and irresolute. I do not think he did anything wrong that believed he did the right thing, but if he could have handled social relations better, he could have done it with less personal damage, but like you and me, all tastes, Argal has flaws in this story and that It is much more entertaining and its characters very interesting. I really like this version of Turalyon especially because it has a small evolution towards someone better or at least more able to treat and express their emotions and be less rigid. On the other hand, he had a son with Almeria all that time (apparently the births happen before in this story than in the canon) so who knows, because apparently they kept everything secret.
I also like Argal a lot, but you remember that Argal always won him comfortably and without problems, in fact I do not remember that Argal lost or even reprimands, so I do not know why they compare them.
Gelmar is my favorite orc of all warcraft, canon included is what Thrall would like to be.
It is a pity that the story was unfinished but it was worth reading what had doubts. In any case excellent, of the best that he read as a fanfictio n and superior to the official history with great difference.
Rogue Wasteland Wanderer chapter 6 . 12/10/2014
Your numbers at the end don't make add up. In the previous story it was stated that Grimfrost broke out of the siege at Blackspire with 20'000 troops AND most the remaining civilians. But the numbers you give here are much lower. You also said Hellscream took 20'000 troops into Azeroth leaving 20'000 to hold the Dark Portal but now he only has 10'000?
OmegaTrooper chapter 20 . 10/20/2009
It's been quite a while since a review for this story, let alone an update. I truly hope that you don't give it up as your writing serves not only as an inspiration for me, but as a guiding banner of excellence on .

Hope to hear from you soon,

Lecter42 chapter 20 . 10/10/2008
Here's to hoping that the story is simply on hiatus and not completely dead. Your previous work of WC2 was amazing as well and this could/should follow in those footsteps. Hope everything is well, and a update will be forthcoming!


Dr. Lecter
Kai-Ravenblood chapter 20 . 8/28/2008
I hope you haven't given up on this story. i enjoyed this one and your adaptation of Warcraft 2 very much and would like to see this one finished at some point
samus18 chapter 20 . 5/29/2008
I was skimming through the chapters and realized I failed to review this one.

Sorry 'bout that, but as always, you've got my full attention with your amazing fic. o_o

I blow through each chapter every time there's a new one up. Don't give up on this story, it's too awesome! XD
MadYak chapter 20 . 3/4/2008
Noticed you had no reviews for Ch. 20 yet so I decided to register just to post this:

Excellent story, excellent chapter. I have it bookmarked just to come back and check if you've updated because it's great. Please keep updating :).
Flaming Man of Iron chapter 19 . 12/19/2007
I like this story a lot! Please keep writing! :)
Corny chapter 19 . 11/4/2007
I've enjoyed this story and the one before it, are you going to do a writeup of warcraft 3?
samus18 chapter 19 . 10/3/2007
*jumps up and down*

You finally updated! XD I was hoping you would!

Another awesome chapter from you; I'm still looking foreword to the next. D

Keep it up!
godsown chapter 19 . 10/2/2007
Another brilliant chapter. I must say, I'm looking forward to the fight with Deathwing and Gelmar's attempt to save Lady Swiftblade. I can imagine that you probably hear this all the time, but have you ever considered getting permission to actually publish this? A good editor (you do occasionally make grammatical mistakes) and you could be one of the best fantasy authors out there.
Ride4Ruin chapter 19 . 10/1/2007
At last! An update! Excellent work, as always. You have so many great story arcs and sub-plots going that I can never get enough of any single one of them.

*Gets down on knees*

Please update soon!
Brett chapter 18 . 7/19/2007
Quite frankly, Jeremy, you write the best fanfiction I've ever read. It's better than many fantasy novels.
samus18 chapter 18 . 7/13/2007
*jawdrop* Even better than the last! O_o Keep going. Please! ]
Fordahorde chapter 18 . 7/11/2007
I have loved your writings since you started with tides of darkness, i have been keeping tabs on this story since it came out and ive loved it too. only one thing. Are you going to have tagar spinebreaker actually in the story? he didn't even have a role in the expansion it would be cool to see him actually have a part in a astory!
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