Reviews for Fire and Ice
skyeza chapter 30 . 1/20/2016
Love it!.. Bloody brilliant and totally wicked and wonderful.
dementor93 chapter 11 . 11/22/2014
You are definetly one of the best writers i have come across on this site!
The content is quite unusual, but I love it even more because of it.
Killing perfection's lover chapter 13 . 10/3/2013
Snape always surprises me! :D And oh my geez, him laughing had me laughing. xD LOL.
And ooohh, sex with snape? *O*
awesome1 chapter 4 . 1/7/2013
yes it does mummsey (sarcasam intended)
remusmeunier chapter 7 . 10/13/2012
I like that Harry has a sense of humour ;)
remusmeunier chapter 4 . 10/13/2012
omg the snape joke was awesome!
I Hate Draco chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
It seems this trash offends me so much I spelt "worship" incorrectly. I just wanted to note that in case the Draco trash starts attacking me.
I Hate Draco chapter 1 . 10/6/2012
Oh, yes, Fire and Ice. The infamous story that began the Harry/Draco pukefest. Look, Draco needs to die. Plain and simple. I love stories where Draco is killed. Sadly, this isn't a Draco-weorship story but THE story. Though at least it's not as bad as that vomit-inducing trilogy.
FlyWithMe DitM chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
In the words of the great Sirius Black:

This sucks niffler balls.

Remind me, WHY Harry is overcome with the sudden desire to snog Draco Malfoy. And WHY Draco would snog him back. Uh oh, did I upset you? Ok, I'll give you a nice review of OMFG! This is the BEST STORY EVER! Yup, I'm a creep who likes to read disgusting gay stories about two enemies. LIKE I SAID, BEST STORY EVER! How does one become such a great author? I read this and almost puked all over my friend; it was that mind-blowingly awesome! DO not KEEP WRITING, AND I'LL not READ EVERY STORY YOU WRITE!

Please, take this with a side helping of sarcasm and annoyingness.
Dream Bound Nightmare chapter 30 . 11/19/2011
awww you suck it just ended on me not bloody fair! ut oh well now to hunt down the sequal yay! hehehe i love this fic and i'm glad everyone is better... oh wait this is complete ain't it? damn. i must now go stalk your profile for more yummy Harry/Draco fics
Dream Bound Nightmare chapter 27 . 11/19/2011
duuuuuuuuuuude i love this fic it is fucking awesome an di love this fic heheheehe man everyone has gone nuts and i bloody love it! Hermione is so funny keep her in and make her do something crazy! please! anywho must finish reading you shall be hearing from me again at the end... daaaaaaaaaamn this fic is just so damn hot! lol
lynettecullen chapter 2 . 11/6/2011
I like Draco's change of character.
lynettecullen chapter 1 . 11/6/2011
This is nice.

I like it.
anon chapter 5 . 6/21/2011
wait, I'm confused. did harry just slip his d*ck into draco without any warning or preparation? The scenes up until now were hot, but this seems rather sudden. Sex is fine, but without any hint right before (ie eyes meeting, spoken question, etc.)? anyway, I like the story, so I'll read on even if that little bit threw me.
lisa.demonic.angel chapter 30 . 4/22/2011
omg i cant wait!
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