Reviews for Obsession
Ravyn Starkweather chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
Wow...That was lovely...Like exactly how they would be if they ever got together...Seifer is really sweet in his...domineering way. i think that's what makes it so hot. It was great. Keep it up.

-Ravyn Starkweather
Neoneoneobanana chapter 1 . 10/19/2005
That was amazing. Nice job.
Irvine Leonhart chapter 1 . 8/22/2005
I am at a total loss for words. That was not only intense to read but very very well written.

I really can't write down the words to describe it this was fantastic.

You captured both Irvine and Seifer the exact why I picture them together you couldnt of done a better job they were wrote perfectly.

I know I'm the only person to have reviewed as of yet but you should really do something from Seifer's point of view that would just complete it and make me very happy _


Izzie x