Reviews for In a Kingdom Far Away
Kari-Kateora chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
This was... pretty brilliant. I can't help but feel unbelievably sorry for the torment that was the Shinigami's stomach. It feels quite realistic. I don't understand the end part, about finally 'dying', since I understood he would be trapped there for eternity. That's the only weak point to this story, i feel: the end was unnecessary, sort of. It would have possibly been better to leave at his eternal turmoil. Did I get the mythology right- Icarus and Prometheus? XD Nice touch.

All in all, a nice story told brilliantly- your description and word choices are truly amazing. :3
CanisLupus4 chapter 1 . 2/6/2012
Holy hell. That was my first response.

And then I turned off my laptop with a shiver.

Except the next day I was back to reread it, drawn by morbid fascination. And noticing more details with each reread, the little double meanings and references; "a flame and a shadow of his former self", Hokage, indeed.

I wonder what you think he was remembering, when you mention those simple words spoken by a strong voice, words that mattered. I personally fancy it was that quote from the Sandaime, "the fire's shadow illuminates the village"...

...and I can see him running that maze forever. The Beast obliterates him, but the oblivion recedes, and he finds himself back at the start, running from the Beast. Okay, now you have me waxing poetic. I should be glad I don't have nightmares, or this would definitely make an appearance in my dreams. Beautiful writing, haunting descriptions, you are a powerful wordsmith.
ohsovintage chapter 1 . 11/28/2010
I reviewed this story on another account & i can't remember what i said really, but I wanted to say that I reread this over & over, and i read every word, and i cry because what you made and what you have written are so beautiful, and the fact that simple words could be that beautiful makes me so utterly sad in the most fantastic way and if i ever were to dream it would be to have the ability to write like this, or make something so wonderful, because i may not be a writer, but this is divine, and every line may be a poem, and every word is married in the way that they are so perfectly connected, and it is that breathtaking and amazing, and my inability to word how your writing makes me feel and the utter nonsense of this review and non-sense-making is inevitably due to the torrents of beauty found in your work. i'm so amazed.
Deploringly chapter 1 . 4/24/2010
That last line gave me tingless :3
Aomushi chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
3-word review:

Awesome. 'the fuck?
crayontesla chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
You know he didn't deserve this, but oh how I love it. It is close to how I pictured his torture to be. It is a little vague though. The monster a little to undefined. It leaves you with a wish to know what happens in what I swear is going to be a epic battle.
IVIaedhros chapter 1 . 6/27/2008
I always wandered about how casually they wrote off sending your soul into the belly of the death god. Thanks for the read.
Mayan chapter 1 . 2/3/2008
Wow, just wow this is magnificent with such wonderful descriptions. You are truly amazing with your desciptions, it was almost like you were there feeling everything he was.
yumeniai chapter 1 . 1/16/2008
i really don't get it but it's really well written.
RandomTopic chapter 1 . 9/1/2007
This is rather confusing. But I think I get it... this is after the Fourth seals the Kyuubi in Naruto... so the Fourth is in the God of Death... and the Beast is his death, and is looking for him but the Fourth flees because it's in our instinct to survive. then he realizes that and welcomes death with open arms.
Queen Grapefruit chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
Wow! This story, the writing, description, and the idea, everything is so amazing! You are a wonderful writer!
une valentine chapter 1 . 1/21/2007
Achingly beautiful. I have nothing to say except that I loved it. I loved it, I loved it, I loved it.
Ami Angel chapter 1 . 2/5/2006, so much. i don't think people quite appreciate yondaime's sacrifice because they forget what he gave. ouch. (
Dameus chapter 1 . 1/15/2006
I must admit I love the story, though am I somewhat confused on WHERE the setting is taking place. Is it in Naruto's mind, inside Shinigami, or in some dimension between this life and the next? But that just adds to the aluring appeal of this story. That or why I seem to loathe it so much, I can't decide which :)
sharingank chapter 1 . 8/6/2005

That was inadequate. Let me try again. XD

Where do you get your inspiration for such wonderful imagery? I can *see* this picture, clear as day. And I can *feel* Yondaime's struggle as he weaves through the maze...

I never really thought about what would happen to those who use *that* jutsu, but I think, in the back of my mind, I knew it wouldn't be pretty. This is an excellent look at what a horror it could be.

You've found another fan.

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