Reviews for Delectable
Claire Lanser chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
poor subaru-chan, seishiro is so bent on torturing him, and all subaru wants is for his love to stop being un-requited...
Onee-san chapter 1 . 9/13/2005
That was fabulous. Once or twice you misspell Seishirou's name though. Other then that, I can't see any issues in your story. It was well written.

I did enjoy the way you wrote this. I don't often get to read a fic that actually shows the nature of their relationship. When I do, though, it's always a joy. Oh, and I loved the ice cream bit in the end. That was just great. You're very poetic. I really like the way you describe their feelings. Good job!
Santrea chapter 1 . 6/30/2005
Only two stories read and I'm putting you on my favorite authors list. I really can't describe how well you write them. But it is very well.
LemonadeLovers chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
fun... update soon, onegai?
Fiver-dono chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
You are such a talented writer. You really tap into that sense of evil/insanity, though. This really is an artful line: "Fear not only had to be inspired, it had to be cultivated." Mou, Sei-chan is a little insane, ne? Sorry I whined for you to write S/S. You didn't ruin your other muses. It'll come back to you. But I love the S/S all the same. Even if it's so messed up. You have an interesting take on it. _ I'd put them in Avarice, but the rating's M so...oh well. It's the thought that counts, right? (grin) (CORN alert)I found this fic...delectable. _ (i am teh queen of corny jokes!)


Animegoil chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
You're killing them all. Kamui and Subaru when you make it sad, and now Subaru and Seishiro for making it creepy, lol. No! Don't abandon the Kamuiness with Subaruness! *gasp* But you do write a very interesting Sei/Su ... I liked that description, and how you said that tempting/torturing Subaru is Seishirou's vice. Cool ficlet _ Poor Subaru...
HellFenix chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
poor old subaru... still, gotta love sei even if he's an evil bastard...