Reviews for You're So Annoying
Lymixan chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
Funny story, funny characters and... what the heck... everything was funny!
By the end of it, I could hardly breathe cuz I was laughing so hard.
Good job, mate.
BlatantBookworm chapter 1 . 4/16/2012
Haha LOL love it!
KrnYong chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Wow short but hilarious! I love that their all very true to their natures, as in talking about killing clovr so openly, yet together they all sort of get alomg as if its perfectly normal. Btw that "can i be sedated?" part had me laughing like crazy, pardon the pun
KrnYong chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Wow short but hilarious! I love that their all very true to their natures, as in talking about killing clovr so openly, yet together they all sort of get alomg as if its perfectly normal. Btw that "can i be sedated?" part had me laughing like crazy, pardon the pun
Princess613 chapter 1 . 9/17/2009
Cloven...Cloven...nope, don't know any Clovens. Guess I'll have to kill you, or Damian... whichever comes first.
piratechicka chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Omg, that was hilarious! I hate Cloven, but I love everyone else! They reminded me of a whiny child! Great job, and great use of dialouge!
Firey-Moonlight chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
Haha that was great! I love fics that have several Arklum inmates together socializing, the sarcasm of Two Face and Scarecrow was awesome. Good job!
MochaCocaFan chapter 1 . 8/11/2008
the sadistic homicidal child chapter 1 . 7/30/2008
HAHAHAHAHA, OH MAN- YOU'RE KILLING ME! Oh man, WOO. That was so friggin awesome. On a scale from 1 to awesome that was SO TOTALLY FRIGGIN AWESOME! Oh man I just LOVE stories like this! Oh man, jeez this is so going onto the favorites list!
GuesssWho chapter 1 . 7/8/2007
Zephyr chapter 1 . 10/24/2005
ANOTHER JOB WELL DONE:)! You're such a good writer! I'm looking foward to reading your next long as it has the Scarecrow in it...Anyways, still waiting to read more, and still willing to give praise. Which,again, is not something I do very often. Just letting you know. And befor you start asuming, no, I'm not a stalker. No, really, if I'm creeping you out, I'm sorry. I don't mean to, but I always do, so please don't be all creeped out! I mean the best, honestly!

and on that awkward note,

see 'ya -Zephyr
ParadigmSlider chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
"Stop touching him Miss Quinn." The doctor snapped.

"It’s consensual!" Harley argued.

Heh. Nice. Very funny, if somewhat odd. (:
Fiona Fargazer chapter 1 . 7/25/2005
I loved it! Absolutely hilarious! I liked it when Harley was scratching Joker's back and Poison Ivy was sitting next to him. I liked it how Two-Face was so disgusted with the whole thing he was jelous of the Riddler who was sedated. Oh, I just loved the whole thing. I did feel a little bad that Cloven was killed despite how impossibly annoying he was, though I figured they were going to kill him anyway.

~Fiona Fargazer~
Jukebox Hound chapter 1 . 7/8/2005
Yes, though in my case, it's the girl that made me lose my job through rumors...*growls* It's like high school in the workplace all over again.

But dear God, this made me laugh so hard. “Why so glum, scare chum?” *cackles* That was just so...Joker. And Crane and Dent's sarcasm, and Ivy's distemper, was just great.

*still laughing*
Unseen Watcher chapter 1 . 7/1/2005
An interesting look into the Arkham 'social life'. heh
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