Reviews for There Was a Ship
perlaret chapter 13 . 11/5/2009
There's so much to say and not nearly any way to say it properly.

I remember when you were first posting this, and being completely and utterly confused because of the way it made sense but didn't. I'm pretty sure I've also read it since you revised everything, but it was a while ago, and I'm pretty sure this is the first time where it finally 'clicked' for me and all of the pieces fell into their horrible little places.

The funny thing about this story is that, even though is dark, and horrible and tragic is... I-couldn't-stop-laughing. There were all of these different points where I felt like I should be depressed and gasping, and then, deadpan as can be, you went and slipped in some dark humor and I cracked up. A key example would be when Sango was working at the mines. Way to make me wonder at my own sanity too.

It's also interesting to read this knowing how canon actually ends. The Shikon jewel really never answers one's real wish, and the thought of all of those wishes made in so many different timelines, trying to turn back to a time where things played out right... It's bitterly ironic.

There are so many other things too, small and large. The utter despair of everyone dying, Sango giving herself over to Naraku, even Koharu. Man. And then, through it all there's the knowledge that in another reality, Miroku's standing watch and waiting to bring Sango out of the darkness, back at the turning point.

That said, I'm ready for the other shoe to drop and see how this ends. You said in your author's note you were going to think about the epilogue for a while - does two years and four month equate to "a while" yet? :)

Anyway, thank you for the read. I'm not sure if "good" is the right way to describe this story, but it definitely was, in it's own way. Way to write tragedy and not make it feel like I just read one.

So. About that epilogue?
Nabob chapter 13 . 5/20/2008
Wow. Now that was one amazing mind fuck.

I read this almost straight through since yesterday, and even though I'd read most of the story before, it still blew me away. (I know that's cliche, but I kid you not.) Your prose is straightforward but elegant, and it really captures the despair and violence of the story, but somehow makes it beautiful.

I absolutely loved how you've incorporated The Rime of the Ancient Mariner into this, it adds yet another layer of depth to the storytelling.

Besides the odd grammar/spelling typos, I've no criticism for you, I'm afraid. Except that I do wonder what happened to Kikyou, though I won't be surprised if I missed it.

Your storytelling is shocking and brilliant, I both love and envy it. :)
Melitza chapter 13 . 8/5/2007

Just thought you might want to know, when people ask me who my favorite authors are (period: not "favorite online authors", or "favorite fanfiction authors"), you're right up there my friend. You might even have snuck into the number one spot without my knowledge. Or consent for that matter; you hurt me, Scribe, you hurt me so deep. With each chapter, each prolific line that you write, it's like a dagger being driven beneath the ribs.

You have a talent for angst. You don't make it sappy drivel that goes on and on. It's a different kind - one that is so horrific and shocking and revolting that it almost makes me want to worry about you. Instead, I sit here and I read and I cry and I shake my head and I gasp; I am horrified and shocked and revolted with each carefully measured paragraph, and each scripted line has exactly the effect you intended.

So, instead of worrying about you, I sit here and I seeth with jealousy. Your writing style is somehow _just_ unlike anything else I've ever read before - ever. I think I've urged you to publish before (and maybe even let you know that I'd be the first rabid fangirl in line to get the books autographed), but I'm not sure if these stories could be quite as prolific without being fanfictions, with the backdrops and characters and loyalties already in-place, leaving you to work your magic poetry.

But I don't know; that's just my musings. I do believe you'd be capable of just about anything, so make sure you email me if you ever are publishing anything, yes?

Now that I've gotten that out of the way...

Your re-write/re-arrange worked perfectly, and things fell into place much neater this time around, and made much more terrible, terrible sense.

I do have to say that I am looking forward to the epilogue. Maybe I've overlooked something, but is this saying that Sango went back to the beginning of the story, rather than to her childhood? Her longing for Onigumo's voice set me back a moment, as I wondered if perhaps her perversion was going to bleed back even into her life in a "purer" time. I had almost hoped it would all go back to Sango meeting her father after not getting the medicine for her mother, and instead of cursing the sea, perhaps she just cries?

That's just the "please happy ending" in me pleading away, though; it might derail the utter despair of this story. I trust you to end it, and I will be looking forward to it (as I always look forward to any new work from you). You're a very sick and twisted individual, but I do mean that in the very best way. _
Kasai to Kasumi chapter 13 . 7/19/2007
I admit, this made me want to jab a nail through my temple and then through the computer monitor, just to look at the cracks and not the words. It's just gotten too dark, and I feel lightheaded now.. Be happy, dude! I like your writing and all, but it's just taken such a twisted turn... I'm trying to follow along, but I think I tripped and fell already!
rese chapter 8 . 2/3/2007
fucking awesome.

sango *is* a woman in this.
Nerina Belle chapter 8 . 11/9/2006
Dear God Almighty.

Your grim humor and sardonic portrayal of the futility of all human endeavor makes this an intensely disturbing story. (Yes, I just copied that past sentence out of my vocab book, is there a problem with that?) And yes, I do detect some grim humor in this story. One of my favorite lines, "Do you know why I do not cut out your uterus and make you wear it as a hat?” is a prime example of said humor. When I used it on a poor unsuspecting student in the halls, however, he was quite frightened and refrained from laughing at all. Am I the only one who finds the line funny?

Anyway, disturbing? Yes. Disgustingly horrific? Quite. It gives me the feeling of tumbling head-first into a neverending abyss of hopeless despair.

But entirely enthralling, written in a sinisterly delicious manner?


Your Addicted Reader,

Nerina Belle
Shoomy2003 chapter 8 . 9/7/2006
Absolutely fabulous work.

I love this line: “Perhaps I use the wrong word. Let my correct myself. Do you know why I do not cut out your uterus and make you wear it as a hat?”

Vivid imagery, short pointed sentences that are stuccato to the flow of the long sentences, and bring every word a new meaning.

I wish there were more words in the English langugage to explain the depth of this story, and the brashness of what you're trying to achieve. Not many authors can show off in this style and get away with it, but you accomplish this brazen style of writing without even a hitched breath.

I love it.
b7-kerravon chapter 8 . 6/8/2006
Wow. I'm assuming that this was the end of the story (a dark ending, but the whole thing was wonderfully dark). However, I think one of your commentors on chp 6 put it best...

b7-kerravon chapter 7 . 6/8/2006

This is incredible.

The writing style is so moving that I'm in tears. If you don't write professionally...START. I'd buy your book any day. (and if you do write professionally, e-mail me and let me know the name of the novel, so I can buy it from
perilousgard chapter 8 . 4/14/2006
This story is crazy and revolting and horrifying...and yet I cannot stop reading it. Despite your warnings, it's worth the read.

I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Little Flea chapter 8 . 3/8/2006
i finally got wat u were wriitin abt! gah! it veri disgusting! but, nice way u put it. lurve the words ;P sad. sad. diff. perspective though/
Little Flea chapter 6 . 3/8/2006
actually..i dun realli understand..._; but i can tell its a good piece of work! XD but so sad..n realli job!
perlaret chapter 8 . 2/26/2006
So, I finally caught up on reading this, and you have thoroughly convinced me that you do not believe in chronological order. Yet, nevertheless, it makes sense, but doesn't, because I am not yet sure as to how all of this finds its way back to chapter two. Though there are ideas.

I find myself wondering when Shippou will enter the story again, and whether Kikyou is still alive. It is clear the shards within her possession were taken, so... Hm. And even though it has been stated multiple times that all of Sango's companions are dead, I find it odd that Naraku was speaking of them as if they were still around. And even if they are dead, I'm fairly sure that that will change, based on chapter two, the advice Kikyou gave Shippou, and the fact that the Shikon Jewel is there, waiting for the moment when something changes.

Or maybe this is all another sick dream. XD I wouldn't put it past you to use the same trick twice. And is it just me, or do you enjoy killing off Koharu-particularly when she is carrying Miroku's child? P

This story seems much more detached than you others... Don't get me wrong, it's still captivating, awe-inspiring, and makes me let an expletive fly every time a new twist is added, but it's very hard to get emotionally involved... But I'm guessing that's because it's very hard to relate to a character whose life is taking a swan dive into a chasm with nothing but spikes waiting at the bottom. This isn't the sort of story where you WANT to get into the characters' heads.

But I'll fangirl you and beg for more chapters anyway.
Darcia Plushie chapter 8 . 2/25/2006
o_o this is dark and wonderful and...omg.

I need a damn ciggarette.
Neko-chan4 chapter 8 . 2/23/2006
Everything in this chapter SHOULD offend, and we are all sick for loving it. ;)

More. More. More!
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