Reviews for Deadly Directions
Maidengirl chapter 3 . 3/11/2006
i love it! nina/hwo forver
kagomeandinuyasha4ever chapter 3 . 12/19/2005
(A.K.A. when signed in: NinaWillaimsSilentAssassin)

Very nice! This chapter was action-packed as well as smart. I see Nina and Hwoarang are good at team work... lol! I still say your doing awesome with the personalities... I like the way you add elements of the real game with your own... Very nice _!


Nina and Hwoarang forever!1
kagomeandinuyasha4ever chapter 2 . 12/19/2005
This chapter was cute and actiony too! I love the conversations between Nina and Hwoarang... I also think you did great with everyone's personality. Specially Jin and Xiaoyu's conversations. Interogation was fun too! lol!

Anyways, freakin' awesome job! you rock!

Nina and Hwoarang forever!
kagomeandinuyasha4ever chapter 1 . 12/19/2005
(A.K.A. when signed in: NinaWilliamsSilentAssassin)

Whoot! I love this story so far... You got everyone's personalities right so far. Nina and Hwoarang are my FAVORITE charcaters... So this rules...

Anyways, Freakin' awesome job! You rock...

(Um... I'm not sure if they will be coupled... but I love...:) Nina and Hwoarang forever!
Innocent Nightmare chapter 3 . 8/29/2005
erm i ahte to be pushy but can ASUKA be in it please they can find her in the lab she can be jins sister or cousin take ur pick and does jin remeber anything from tekken 3?if not asuka can help him and will it be a xiao/jin good luck and sayonara
Karisan-karisan chapter 3 . 8/26/2005
Please continue asap!

I'm really enjoying and i can't wait for Julia to show up...she will show up, right?

take care and nice job
Miyabi Ame chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
I like it a lot! Kick-ass action too! Well done!
Thunderxtw chapter 1 . 6/24/2005
Nice Nina fic you got here. I loved her sense of humor.

Too bad you stopped writing for this story because its pretty good and enjoyable to read.

I have made a couple Nina fics so far, one thats called "The Assassin Strikes," which is already finished ,and the other I'm currently doing called "Nina returns." You can read those if you want, but anyway good job with this fic.

I wish you would have gotton more reviews because this is good enough to warrant more than you have received.

Julie C chapter 1 . 6/12/2005
"...for travelling to Latvia I’m..."

:D I don't believe it! You are first and only person who knows what the hell is Latvia! :D I live there! :D

Oh, ahh... hehehe... I like this fic... ;D
Karisan-karisan chapter 2 . 6/6/2005
Hey, I believe I reviewed this story the first time you put it online, but I'm not sure...anyway, here it goes another review... :P

I think you're doing great...your chapters are very easy to read and i really enjoy the idea of putting Nina and Hwoarang working together, though I don't know if you are going to make them as a couple (which I hope not...cause I'm more a Hwoa/Julia fan) But you're the author, so you do whatever you like...

this 2nd chapter is packed with action, which is great.

I'm waiting for the next chapter. :D
