Reviews for Titan High
JPalmerS chapter 5 . 11/22/2008
I like your story. I like the way you write the characters and the situations they are in. It's what gets me to keep reading. What bothers me is how the story seems to be rushed at times. Your story is good but the way you write it has something to be desired. Checking for spelling errors is only one problem. There are times where it just seems you need to add a little more meat to the story and use a thesaurus. I know it helps me.
WhoWantsToKnow chapter 1 . 3/9/2008
Alright, I think you have a really good story going here, even though I'm not sure where Starfire being from Thailand came from.

However, I think that you are being a complete, insert bad things here. You dedicated this story to your very first reviewer who passed away, reposted it because some bleep reported it (I have no clue for what) promised that you would finish it, and you haven't updated for a year. At the very least, you could have said something. *slaps you disgustedly*
jesusmysavior911 chapter 2 . 11/14/2007
this is swet!
Purple Sky Juliet chapter 1 . 7/25/2007
Hey, Um...I know I reviwed on chapter 5 and all...but I want to know if this story is abandoned or what. I mena, it hasn't been updated for over a year!
ExiledfromAzerath chapter 5 . 4/20/2007
and then something bad happens right? is this the end? god I hope not!
Pirategirl0 chapter 5 . 2/1/2007
Very good, I luv it. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Ralf Jones chapter 4 . 12/15/2006
Hey, this is really a good job, keep going please update.
Purple Sky Juliet chapter 5 . 12/15/2006
I lovee this story! You need to update more frewuently though..Keep up the good work!
Ralf Jones chapter 5 . 12/6/2006
Hey good job, keep going
ZorthiaMirkwoodElf chapter 5 . 9/2/2006
Wow, this story is great! The spelling at parts is off, so you might want to keep that in mind for later chapters. You seem to be hooked on rasism, it's not that I don't agree with you, it's just that it can turn a lot of people off about a story.

I love this story and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Corinne chapter 1 . 8/21/2006
Heyy... Can you plz wirte another chapter for this fanfic. 'cause I am dying! I really like this fanfic and I am in love with Teen Titans... so plz update it I like how you put Cy and Raven to gether.., It's so cute. I love them since the beginning and obviously BB and Terra are meant for each other. BB and Raven have a friendship and nothing more! No Offense to other people though. I appreciate fanfics like though...

Well anyway... my point is plz update it...!
RemixPhoenix chapter 5 . 8/11/2006
O.O woah...I can't even imagine to hurry out of a shower, I would take forever...:P

Keep doing what you do best!:D
Vandagirl chapter 5 . 6/12/2006
*gasp!* How come I missed this? Oh yeah, I was super busy... which was why I just recently updated Teen Normals yesterday. Thank goodness school's over! And here I am reading a school story, and then I posted another chapter for a school story... weird, huh? I guess I just like school better when I'm not in it.

Nice, long, long, chapter. Thank goodness Raven is safe... at least for now. And I'm so glad the ass got caught. I hate guys like Cid... _ I really, really do.

The "T"... That's clever. I like it. _

Anyways, that's all I have to write for now. Later.

~Vandagirl _
no one in paticular chapter 5 . 5/19/2006
I liked this story. I liked how you used so many of the character's traits in these 'normal' characters. I am sorry for the loss of your friend...Kepp on writing! I really enjoyed it!
Raventhedarkgoddess chapter 5 . 5/16/2006
Well, I promised I'd get to it. And over the span of several nights, I'm glad I've finally had time. _

The lines you copied and pasted to me over IM made me laugh. You're writing well, as usual. I liked Rob and Star's date, and the fight scenes were great.

Watch your spelling. (Now, why would I say a thing like that...?)

Great chapter, overall. I still love it.

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