Reviews for Twist of Fate
Guest chapter 3 . 10/8/2015
I'm wondering if you gave up writing altogether...hadn't read this story in years. This story is as beautifully written as I remembered. You have talent; perhaps one day you'll come back and include a note on your info page letting us know you have continued writing and let us know where/how we might be able to follow your writing career.
Athena13 chapter 3 . 12/25/2012
Wow. Not what I expected as an end. Great story, though!
Athena13 chapter 2 . 12/23/2012
Thatcher as a Red Sox fan - this Yankees fan loves that and finds it fitting. So sweet reading Derek taking care of emotional Meredith without interrogating her.
Josie chapter 3 . 2/18/2011
I had read this story before, years ago, but wanted to add a note again. It is still a wonderfully well written, sad story. Wonderful settings... the baseball game, at the trailer (I don't are that it doesn't seem to match the show time-line), and the teasing from the interns. And, you wrote their characters so true to how they seemed in the first season. There was a NY Times TV review recently re: SR's new show and the writer referred back to GA mentioning how fresh, witty and sexy it had seemed. S/he went on the say that it was now "unspeakably pulpy and purple", I though it was such a great alliterative line.

So, I believe you also wrote the story about the amnesiac Mer in the cabin. The story I most wish had been finished in the Mer/Der lexicon. You had the elements so well set up. Forgot to see if your writing for other shows was more recent. Really wanted to say you have a gift and hope that you will continue to keep writing and all well in your life.
laurendee chapter 3 . 9/20/2010
This is a great fic! You're very talented. I'd love to see more from you!
Juni chapter 3 . 9/7/2010
Hands down ! That was absolutely brilliant !
Leyy chapter 3 . 8/18/2009
ending is a bit harsh, but i like the way the way they built their so called relationship or togetherness...and the carefree and free sprited derek is one of the dereks i really love! it still pains me though that mer found out about the wife that way...

thanks for sharing...i know his is kinda late..but a sequel would be nice way to redeem derek's lost faith...
francetwo chapter 3 . 9/2/2008
great if you have a sequel tell me
snowflake912 chapter 3 . 6/12/2008
Oh wow! This is something - something absolutely beautiful. I can't believe I haven't read this before. There's just so much emotion in it, mixed with just the right amount of denial that I could totally feel that this was exactly what was running through Meredith's mind. The Derek you write is the season one Derek, who's light-hearted and carefree and sexy and just... McDreamy. I loved reading that take on him.

I loved how with every one of their interludes, you had Meredith building herself up a little (building the notion of their relationship, building dream houses in her head, building her confidence that someone like Derek Shepherd actually felt something special for her) and then with the last part, everything just collapsed. And all that denial came back to haunt her - like it really should have been nothing when she knows she'd been thinking of it as "something" this whole time. I don't know if that makes sense, but well... yeah.

You have wonderful style. I enjoyed this immensely and will probably be back to read it many times, just to completely appreciate every little thing that makes this piece as amazing as it is.

Thanks for sharing!
CarineM chapter 3 . 5/27/2008
I wish you would do a sequel, that story is excellent and the way you write things from Meredith's pont of view is fascinating. you could do the same for the other seasons.

eridani chapter 3 . 2/1/2008
harsh ending, ouch- very well written. I quite liked the line 'She felt like the luckiest woman in the world' in particular.
couture7 chapter 1 . 11/10/2007
I love this, so beautiful! You need to write more Grey's fic. I love season 1 M/D, but would also love to see how you would handle current canon!
starvingstudent chapter 3 . 10/12/2007
ah, such a wonderful story... until the end. Why couldn't you have just turned a blind eye to the show and let them be happy? lol. But seriously, really awesome job.
SleepEasy chapter 1 . 6/16/2007
This is a really crazy amazing story.

You stuck to the characters beautifully and really managed to create something sweet but realistic. Most fanfiction is way too fantastical but this would fit right into the show. Hell, its probably even better than whats on the show.
carsonfiles chapter 3 . 5/12/2007
I've read this so many times. . .it always rings so true. I clicked review knowing it was going to pop up and tell me I'd already reviewed, but I had to try. . .shame on me.

This is beautiful. So well done. The falling in love of season 1, and the harsh landing in the finale.
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