Reviews for Dreams and Nightmares
Guest chapter 4 . 6/18
Neeeeed mooooore
Zehari chapter 1 . 8/28/2019
ravens breath chapter 4 . 5/3/2011
It needs more hot man love. ;)
DragonFyre94 chapter 4 . 10/6/2010
Amazing XD i really enjoyed reading this fanfiction! If it isn't too much to ask please could you write another chapter or a sequel to this? Maybe Thomas comes to terms with his feelings by finding another love?

It doesn't matter if you don't but it would be very nice

5 stars though :)
Margos chapter 4 . 2/14/2009
To me, it feels as though it has reached a nice conclusion, but that's just me...

Aw! That was great!

When I read the description, I was worried that it would be highly OOC, but they were all so convincing and wonderful! I could see it happening! (Even the end of Chapter1-beginning of Chapter 2... um.. yes).
Laginta chapter 1 . 1/7/2009
Oh my!

I love your story (you must be surprised to get a comment after all this time ). It was so tender and nice and lovely. I also liked the ending, because it wasn't that yaoi-slash-classic, but sweet and realistic. Cute cute Thomas. And John Smith is all himself!

If you continue this story or would like to do so be sure to habe me as a reader!

(sorry, my english is so poor, i hope you understand nevertheless)
annonymous chapter 1 . 4/7/2008
who is ammeh, is she an aunt?
LightningFuryStrike13 chapter 4 . 9/26/2007
good story

thankfully john's well travelled enough to not freak out

but what about john rolfe (is that his name) the one in history who pocahanus marries
Amorye chapter 4 . 9/18/2007
Yes dear. Please do continue this. It's up to you really, but I'd love to see more.

That creepy governor-erm. Augustus! Yeah. The guy's practically reading poor Thomas' mind. LOL. Keep it up!
KuroN3k0 chapter 4 . 7/12/2007
yes! Continue please! ] ~
NightmareFX chapter 4 . 5/3/2007

I just got an update about on of your other stories and came to see why had your named flaged as an author I liked. This is why!

I love this story, I've always wanted to see more slash from this movie. I can't leave a very coherent comment now since I've got to go, but this is good! Really, it's lots of fun to read and I love seeing things from Thomas's POV. Grand work, so please continue!
SunRise19 chapter 4 . 4/28/2007
Aw, I thought that was great! I mean, John isn't discusted!..which is good! And, poor Thomas who was angsty and skiddish through out this whole story got relief!

So yes, I think this is a good ending! It ties everything up, well done!
Goddess of Yaoi chapter 3 . 10/17/2006
Oh poor Thomas. I really look forward to the next chapter. There was something I wanted to mention, but I can't recall it at the moment. If it comes to me I'll comment again.
The Littlest Bit chapter 3 . 10/12/2006
Augustus? He sounds like a fat Polish rapist... Pardon the language. He just does. Poor Thomas, *pets Thomas* It's okay, we, the rapid fangirls of Pocahauntas shall not let you angst, unless it's fun to read! And when you commit suicide John Angsts as well, then HE commits suicide! (Um, forget I just said that..) We'll make sure we'll get you a happy/ hot beyond all reason/ nosebleed inducing, ending! WE PROMISE! *glomps Thomas*
NightmareFX chapter 3 . 10/12/2006
Holy long-lost fanfics Batman!

I totally forgot about this fic, which is sad because it's wonderful fun!

I love Thomas, he's so cute. I'm glad you'll keep it from his point of view...John is cool and all...But Thomas is a much more fun point of view.

I love the creepy new Govna' heh. Me thinks he likes Thomas a little too much...which is cool, it's fun to see the poor red-head all flustered and worried

Grand job, I hope it doesn't take as long to post more chapters! *hint hint nudge, nudge*
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