Reviews for BlackSword
Empress.Queen.Reyna.SPQR chapter 19 . 12/25/2016
Stormcutter684 chapter 19 . 6/28/2015
Okay, I know they're just fictional characters, and it's just a fanfic story, and I shouldn't be doing this ... But I just can't help myself.

SCREW YOU, ALL OF YOU! And as Will said, go rot in Hell, you bloody bastards, BlackSword, Chris, ALL OF YOU who's-names-I-can't-remember-nor-care-about!

Okay. Whew. That felt good. And now, *bawls my eyes out*
MY GOD! YOU ARE AN AMAZING AUTHOR! I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN! This story is remarkable. I love it.
I usually don't go for the Will Torture, and the Hurt, Torture, Weakness sorta Fanfics, but this one had me intrigued. It was laced with adventure and action, and you wrote all the torture so well, that I (with a little too much satisfaction) enjoyed the Will Torture. *blushes*
And then it was all so intense! I seriously thought you were going to kill Will off, multiple times, and you left me hanging with
And I also loved the cute friendship brotherly fluff between Jack and Will, it was so adorable and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I mean, I just loved it! I even got a little teary eyed!
I could totally picture the image of Jack cuddling Will like Will's mother would. It was so sweet, and definitely my favourite part of the story! It was hilarious that both men didn't want to do it, but they did it anyways. And it worked! Wow!
I loved Jackie too. He's so cute .. But monstrous too! I never saw Chris coming at the end, I completely forgot about him! They way Jackie practically tore him to pieces in seconds; my god, the kid is a demon!
Throughout the story too, I couldn't help but grow fonder and fonder of Miguel and Paul. I mean, they're pirates, yet they're so .. Friendly. Nice. Okay well, not really, but I really liked both of their characters.
I was a little upset when Paul died.
But I like Miguel, and I like how he has a bit of medical training - heck, you gotta have a doctor of some sorts when it comes to Jack Sparrow!
I just .. Absolutely loved this. It's definitely one of my favourites. Beautiful writing, mate. Great job! I could just keep going and going on and on about what I loved in this story, but I'd have to write a whole storybook then.
Amazing story! Loved it! :D
Saibachick chapter 15 . 10/28/2006
Ha I've always loved this story favorites! FAVORITE STORIES!
And a Pickle chapter 19 . 8/5/2006
I have fallen in love with this

*gives you lots of cookies*

Titus chapter 19 . 8/1/2006
What an excellent story! I loved it!
Titus chapter 17 . 8/1/2006
Thank you for this exceptionally great, wonderful, sweet chapter! The display of the deep friendship touched me and I love this story! Keep up with the good work!
Red Rock chapter 19 . 7/29/2006
Loved the story, any chance of a sequel?
Trinilee Greenleaf chapter 19 . 3/13/2006
EEK! i am soo sorry it has taken me so long to reveiw this! But you see i'd kinda lost the chapter alert and then i forgot about finding it and then i found it again and then i didn't have time to read it and oh you get it! D

*sad face* It's...over? *falls to her knees desperately wailing* NOO! It can't be over!

Well, i have to say it was a BRILLIANT ending! I totally didn't see the whole thing with Chris coming. Poor Will, having to face his fears again so soon.

Yay! Will's a pirate! WOOP! I loved the last bit with duel, excellant touch! D

I really hope you write a sequel and i just want you to know that this is THE BEST Pirates of the Caribbean fic i have EVER read!

Well done...continue writing, be happy and smile.

lotsa love,

Your ever loving fan and reviewer,

Trinilee Greenlea x
Hello From Grissom chapter 19 . 2/25/2006
OMG! I love your book! I can't wait for you to finish your next story so you can post it. Write more in the sequal! BTW, those invisible cookies sound good. Keep on writing books! Love you! Oh, and if you get this before the Notebook arrives, disregard the section in GHS colors! Bye!
Saharan Sparrow chapter 19 . 2/20/2006
AW! No, i didn't c it coming... u got me. I can't believe it's over. I am glad Liz and Jackie and Will all became pirates. Fab ending. Fab chap. Fab story. Loved every minute of it.

MagRowan chapter 19 . 2/19/2006
Nope, didn't see Chris coming at all! For a moment I was like, who is this dude, and then I was, Oh! That dude! Guy who was left out in the open sea, dude! _ That was quite the twist, congrats for catching me off guard!

That was quite the attack by Jackie there. Guess he was tired of being pushed around. Elizabeth seemed to take the change in her husband and child quite well, as well.

I think you wrapped up this story quite nicely. :) Especially with all three of the Turner family ending up on the Black Pearl. They all are pirates at heart, aren't they?

Heh, and Gibbs and Miguel is fantastic. Those two I can see getting into trouble. ;) They both have a devious sense of humor, or so I grasped.

I'll keep an eye out for the oneshots! Thanks for the story, it was much appreciated! _
Hawkstra chapter 19 . 2/19/2006
Wow! What a perfect ending!That thing with Chris- Goodness that *was* a suprise! You could not have ended it any better I was smiling the whole time! (Even when Jackie was stabbing Chris- though it was a wicked one lol) Only one tiny little thing- when I was reading the reviews I saw you didn't like Boromir *sniff* I miss that slightly crazy guy. I hope you'll write another story- not nessasarily a sequal. This was the best fan fiction EVER! ROCK ON!
sanguinedarkness666 chapter 19 . 2/15/2006
yay for small child murdering people! *does a dance* and yes, district sucked but we got ones! woot woot! so you won? yay for you. can i have a cookie anyway? now we have to go to tuscaloosa, darn it. oh well, see you tomorrow, hon.

oh, and soory for making you twitchy by letting daniel tell you wahat was in his pocket. he seemed determined to tell everyone, though i can't imagine why. oh well, you'll be okay, right? of course you will. TTFN, tata for now.
williz chapter 19 . 2/14/2006
Hahahaha! I had a flashback to "Little Ninjas" where Tumtum jumps out of the rafters and goes, "HIYA!" and kicks that guy's ass!



trust kill trust chapter 19 . 2/14/2006
That was so great!

Im going to miss you and this story so much! Please write something else to do with POTC!

I'd surely read it, aww, gosh! I just cant belive this might be my last review for you, for ever! The Chris thing, BRILLIANT! For some reason, I couldn't excpect Jackie to do that.

But at the same tim eI could, I mean, after all he is Will's son!

I think you should write a sequel to this!

I dont care how you do it, whose in it or what, I just want to read some more of your POTC stories!

You are seriosly one of the best authors I have ever encountered. Have you ever thought of writing a book in your free time? I think you could make Millions that way!

Please, keep writing, and let me keep reviewing!

**Sniff** Man, Im gunna miss you!

**Sniff** I dont...**sniff again** wahh! Please write more for me! As a friend of course lol!

**Hugs** This isnt going to be the last you hear of me! I promise ye that!

**Hugs you and says one final goodbye** Im serios this time... bye. For now! I will be back, just watch me. I never leave reviws this long. So your one lucky ducky!

By the way I luv this story! I wish they'd make a movie about it.

My friends and I were bord one day and we like played it, it was so much fun, but we added some crazy twists!

**Hugs, again** Bye dude! Luv Ya forever(Like a friend O' course!)!
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