Reviews for Equal Romance :02: Obscure Ways to Devotion
lol chapter 14 . 11/25/2018
OKAY, I'm back. And I'm speechless. Utterly speechless. Holy shit, this is like one of the BEST fanfics I've ever read! SERIOUSLY! You are so talented!

Okay, let me tell you why:
In the beginning, I was really upset with the way you staged the initial conflict between Kim & Ron (as I pointed out in my previous review) because I hate the so-called "misunderstanding" and everything that comes with it. And don't get me wrong, I still don't like it, BUT I seriously had NO IDEA what you had planned for this story and what an emotional rollercoaster it was! ...HOLY SHIT!
So yeah, all the misunderstanding bullshit kind of paled in comparison with the conflicts that were still to come and so, it really was worth the read. Although I still think that the structure of the whole thing was very confusing and a bit chaotic. You kept pulling out new issues and I didn't know why you did it, except for maybe coming back to it in the third instalment (Ron's bulimia, Kim's pregnancy?). I really don't like unsolved conflicts, so yeah... You should've split this story in two. First part the coma, second part post-coma.
But then again, I haven't realised until now how profound and complex their relationship is and how complicated their personalities are! It's as if the TV show never really grasp this profundity (well duh, it's a show for kids that only has 20 min episodes), but YOU DID. And remarkably so. Both of them were so in character, I almost cried.

So anyway, I'm definitely going to read the sequel of the sequel, heh.
Until then... ;)
lol chapter 3 . 11/20/2018
So, I came back for the sequel and I desperately need to put my feelings into words, after 3 chapters already! This is even more intense than the first story! You certainly are the queen of angst, that's for sure! And I so love your writing!

BUT there is something that I need to point out: although, I don't know (yet) how the story's going to turn out in the end, I'm getting the feeling that this should've been a separate story and not connected to the other one. And I know that you wrote a trilogy and such, but I just can't grasp Kim's motivation behind her assumptions towards Ron. I mean, him being a rapist? Hasn't Kim learned anything from her conversations with Ron in the first story? Although I know that there has to be some kind of conflict, this one seems so forced. And Ron getting beaten up and misunderstood at everything he's doing, is really frustrating and a bit cheap of a characterisation. The problem is that I don't like having read a story where the characters go through certain changes and their character is developed (which was really brilliant in the first instalment!), ONLY to put them straight back to square one in the sequel. That's not what a sequel is about. There should be new conflicts and no revived old ones.
So, maybe you should've made a new story out of this without connection to the first one. And a better conflict than a series of stupid misunderstandings.

Sorry for the flames, but I needed to point this out. That doesn't mean that you're a bad writer or anything, that's NOT true. I do enjoy your stories! But they're just not perfect (which they don't have to be!). Just a little bit of criticism on my behalf. ;)
So, on with the story. I'm going to finish it and come back to review again.
romeosami7 chapter 4 . 1/2/2017
My statement might have been cruel but luck can only support stupidity for a time before it runs out and we have to deal with consequences.
romeosami7 chapter 3 . 1/2/2017
lol serves him right. life ain't Disney world. don't like something, well. sucks, you have to live through it. moron, not going to doctor It's my 3rd or 4th review regarding Medical attention.
romeosami7 chapter 3 . 1/2/2017
does he have financial issues? why can't he go the a doctor? it's so freaking simple! WTF
romeosami7 chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
Ron is a bitch in disguise. many would call it opposite of blessings XD lmao
romeosami7 chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
you don't feel well, you consult a doctor. wtf is going on here?
DavidC20OfficialWriter chapter 2 . 1/27/2016
i have to say it because maybe i can't have a opportunity to say this thing AGAIN about the chapter!

That was a incredible, Kim and Ron are now foes...
Considering that his ''personal'' relationship is over the question that i have if Ron is capable to do the right thing and try to be a friend to Kim?
DavidC20OfficialWriter chapter 1 . 12/12/2015
Kim miss him so much, the question is if she's capable to return him to the life?
hadago77 chapter 8 . 9/22/2015
Ronfrontation lol. Excellent books
PhoenixLance chapter 12 . 7/10/2014
Wait. Wait wait wait. How is this physically possible. Kim's pregnant? But you specifically stated that, that night, when she went over to Ron's house, that nothing happened. At least, Ron said he kept the MMP in control and nothing happened. Right? Am I remembering this right?

*goes back to look*

...huh. You sneaky little writer you. You definitely left it open to interpretation. While maybe the MMP didn't influence this, perhaps this was just getting lost in passion? I don't know. I need an explanation.

Time to keep reading!
fa2 chapter 13 . 11/12/2013
How old are you author? A 10 year old who's OK with writing about people being drugged and totally ignorant of consequences? Typical Fanfiction.n idiot.
Anthony1l chapter 14 . 6/4/2012
This story is hilarious, interesting, original, touching, and unique.
nekoken chapter 14 . 6/21/2010
Great story, sorry I didn't comment on your last story but I just wanted to get to the next one so much. Though I feel you dragged things out a little bit with his sickness and such but i can understand your reasoning for doing it. can't wait to see everyone's reactions to Kim's little surprise.
Marykim20 chapter 14 . 5/3/2010
My God... I was crying, while reading this story! That's awesome!) Very good job!)
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