Reviews for Payment
mamita chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
Hello, I liked your fic, I liked it a crossover, I love Sai and Hikaru are so cool and handsome, I love this couple, for me is one of the best, and Hikaru being silly sometimes poor Sai, as if it never existed and Hikaru realizes too late how much you want to Sai, because when that this is gone, but not many fics of them, and among them could do more lovebirds, hehe, i like the couple Waya and Hikaru, these two stick together, I also like the fascination and others having Hikaru Ogata, although not always with Hikaru, I do not like the couple Akira and Hikaru, though not dislike not stick around long though, for me the only rival of Hikaru is Sai, Touya and although others are not so bad, and it shows, I do not like Akari, is not that special, and gets into everything, remains so, thanks and kisses.
Maggie chapter 1 . 8/22/2010
I wanna see Sai's kifu!
yamina-chan chapter 1 . 6/28/2009
Oh? Now that is realy a surprise of a price. It's easy enough to pay.

I hope, that Hikaru doesn't 'need' to go to that shop anymore, but I think he and Watanuki will still stay freidns and see eacht other from time to time

(Oh, and I forgot something in my comment to the original story: Sais full name would be 'Fujiwara no Sai' , not 'Fujiwarano'

Sai of the Fujiwaras, Fujiwara Sai... But not Fujiwarano. -I blame the spellingmistake in the Fansub of the first Hikaru no Go Opening for that, since many Fans seem to get that wrong~ XD
WingsOfFate chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
Okay, nevermind, you really have covered all the bases! (In reference to my review for the main story)

I suppose the kifu are a good price since along with them are the thoughts and feelings associated with matches, not to mention the hard work Hikaru's put into creating them. *nodnod*

Cute little one-shot and the mention of Touya's mother-hening disguised as pushyness is simply adorable: we all know he just wants Hikaru near by!
Cross - The Damned Alchemist chapter 1 . 9/15/2008
I liked it. ~
Sakura chapter 1 . 11/29/2006
Loved it too :)
Viridian chapter 1 . 11/15/2006
Ah, that's a very interesting price. A very ... fateful one, I can imagine. I'm glad you followed up your Connections with this little oneshot. Even though it is short, it adds depth to your original story.
rebecca85 chapter 1 . 9/13/2006
Ah! No! It ended! Even the sequel ended! NU~! Damn... I just had so much fun reading about Hikaru and Watanuki... *sighs longingly*

But the thing why I had to absolutely review you about, immediately (I've been in a slump, not writing reviews to anyone.. ehehee... ;;) was: What happened to Kitsune-san? He asked for favours, right? So will you please write one more sequel about how they do those tasks? Please? Maybe starting with Shindou giving those tutoring to Watanuki they talked about and then maybe this fic featuring Watanuki doing some diffucult task in witch Hikaru help him and such? *makes the most pathethic puppy-eyes she can muster for Lady Addiction*

I loved how they interacted with each others and I liked the trio very much! (Watanuki, Doumeki and Hikaru, YAY!) I don't mind if Touya is in it too, tho I can't see how he could be. (?) And I'm very into HnG and xHOLiC right now, and, and... (Oh, yeah, I think you have so few reviews because not so many people know both anime, or like them simultainesly. But you should have like 10 reviews already!)

Ah~ I can't think of anything else to convince you with... I'll give you cookies! I can bake cookies and give lots to you! Okay? Okay? (Please, say yes!)

Mata ne~

Wating with high hopes,

Luv, rebecca
The Almighty Ro chapter 1 . 7/15/2005
You should have another side story of what Yuko actually PLANS to do with the kifu. It'd make for an amusing story.
Bob the Almighty chapter 1 . 5/15/2005
Again, yay! Are you going to write a sequel? It kind of seems like you're hinting at it with that last line.
harunekonya chapter 1 . 5/15/2005
Me again. Just writing to say that I really enjoyed this series. I'm just wondering how often you write crossovers, as I'm a sucker for *good* crossovers with Hikago, and you are one such author capable of pulling it off.

I enjoyed the story immensely and hope you don't get pissed at my comments too much.
kathy stgqvk chapter 1 . 5/14/2005
I have always gotten the feeling that in the future, Hikaru would write down all the games that Sai played. That would be really nice and a way to re-afrim that Sai existed.

I like this shot a lot.

Kisses, Kathy
Firehedgehog chapter 1 . 5/14/2005
great side story, write sequels please