Reviews for The Redemption of Angels
Luca CP chapter 55 . 7/15/2019
What a unique man! Astoundes me that had only just two children... hehe! Pitty there was not hot scennes...
Guest chapter 55 . 9/21/2018
This is a beautiful story of two people who went through so much and had to seperate themselves to find the love they really had for each other. It brought tears to my eyes! BRAVISSIMA!
LostInAGoodBook chapter 55 . 6/14/2018
Such a lovely story of growth and redemption for C and E. Thank you for writing and sharing. Well done!
Luca chapter 55 . 5/7/2018
Ver y nice!
Luca chapter 4 . 5/6/2018
You are right Erik, idiot is an understandement! Urgh!
LauraCane22 chapter 55 . 1/2/2018
Hello. Your story was really romantic and erik was so good with the women in his life:-D. And christine loved him so much. I loved it! I hope you see the review. Congratulations.:-)
MissyH316 chapter 48 . 9/2/2017
Great place for our dear Erik, to be among friendly people who, not uncommon to fishing towns of the day, were used to seeing people with physical injuries and deformities from working as fishermen. It's still a hazardous profession today, but much more so back in the 19th century. Good for you, Erik - you well deserve it! :-)
MissyH316 chapter 47 . 9/2/2017
Hooray for Christine! I'm SO happy for her; even without Erik, going to Stockholm was the best thing she could've done, and she'd earned it. Erik and Gustave Daae would have been so very proud of her. :-)
MissyH316 chapter 43 . 9/2/2017
MissyH316 chapter 44 . 9/2/2017
Hello! I just discovered this story and have really been enjoying it so far, so much so that I've been too caught up in it to even writing a review. While I've also just now been thinking that maybe I have read it before, it doesn't matter. :) What I like best of all is that Erik and Christine have actually been able to meaningly TALK to one another, instead of just making (mostly wrong, destructive) assumptions and thus prolonging their own happiness, denying their true feelings of love and commitment. And so far, all has been progressing rather nicely until ...forgive my crass yet sincere thought ...the proverbial "turd in the punchbowl" came a-callin'. Lol! ;-) But of course, what's a good story without a little conflict, eh? Maybe The Phantom might even make a return appearance, huh? On we go!
kvasconez chapter 1 . 3/11/2017
Very sweet read, but I HATE that Erik used a prostitute. I love the stories where they were both kept for each other. A prostitute demeans Erik in my eyes. Other than that, it was sweet and a nice story even without the "action." I would have loved to have seen someone rat out Raoul's parents to him so he knew Christine didn't skip out on him or take a payoff. Lovey story and nice writing style.
kairitheseventhprincessofheart chapter 55 . 10/12/2016
this was so so wonderful! so tender and soft and well-developed and healthy- they both were able to find happiness on their own but chose to be together because they loved each other. i feel like this happy ending was truly earned. my heart feels so warm :) amazing job!
MaJuLiSaMi chapter 55 . 8/22/2015
Dear Owlet, I just now found your story and I loved it from beginning to end- it was perfect. The pace, the time you gave them, the development of the characters, your writing style... It was a real delight to read such a well paced, well worded and thought out story where my favourite fictional characters not only got their happy end but in a very believable and beautifully written way! By chapter 52 I almost lost hope that you will bring them together again in the end for they were both so successful and at least as content as possible without each other where they were and they both had very good reason not to talk about their feelings in their letters, argh... But... You made me really happy here! You didn't rush the plot (I can't stand stories that intend to continue the original storyline where the characters get together after only a few chapters; Erik needs to change fundamentally both in thought and action and Christine really needs time to sort out everything, she doesn't even know his name, for God's sake!) You gave them back the friendship they had before the madness of the time after the First Lair, you didn't make Raoul a bad guy, you gave Christine time to sort out her past and her feelings and your Erik... Sigh. He changed a lot from the time of the musical/book but you managed to keep him in character nonetheless, I loved him! I also loved that you changed the POV every chapter, I always looked forward to read the scene from the opposite side! I loved the way you included music in your story, it was adequately prominent- I've read too many stories that ignore the major importance music has for both Christine and Erik; they live and they breathe music, even apart from each other. I would have loved if you included the "hot action", but I'm not disappointed that you left it out. Your story was wonderful without it and I love your way of describing their thoughts about each other- the passion and the tension and their bodily reaction when they look at or think of each other was almost tangible and was enough to let your reader feel the attraction between them.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, you are a very talented writer and I would love to read more from you!
MissyH316 chapter 55 . 2/11/2015
I really enjoyed this story! I thought the pace bogged down for a few chapters that were mostly introspection, etc., in the earlier part of the story, but otherwise pleased to see some new positive spin with happiness and belonging for both Erik and Christine: separately and together! I was also pleasantly surprised at how well-balanced the Compt DeChangy was portrayed; not such an unsympathetic, one-sided, blockheaded arrogant old aristocrat as he's usually shown to be. Nice work!
Guest chapter 55 . 3/26/2014
I just read this it was a tours de force and spell check wouldn't work Bonpetitpoodles
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