Reviews for It Could Be Sweet
Lily chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
Poor Sasuke!
00-night-eyes-00 chapter 6 . 8/24/2012
love it. Would love to read a sequel.
A.E.Snooks chapter 6 . 2/1/2010
(O) HOLY!...That was...just...AMAZING! I DON'T THINK I'D EVER BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE A STORY LIKE YOU JUST DID! I'm in shock at its epicness...that was...just so good! I hope you write more of these fics! :D

See Saw chapter 6 . 4/14/2009
Very good. I love the characterizations of Sasuke and Kakashi, and especially the portrayal of their relationship. If only there were more fics like this out there...*sigh*
xXFissshBonesssXx chapter 6 . 2/3/2008





:D You're the BEST

And this story is an instant fav


You don't know how HARD this story





Wow. Wow. Wow. WOWIE wow. D

I'm so excited, you have no idea.

Even though I'm craving more like crazy, it was stupendous to the point!

Oh my GOD.

I'm so crazy excited over this fic, I can't get the SMILE off my FACE! My muscles ache from my cheeks not being able to rest. You're AMAZING, love, simply, simply astouding. You've blown me off the face of the earth with excitement. The twists, the turns, the gentle touches, the exchanging of glances not meant to be shared, oh ye GODS.

You have no idea how happy this story has made me.

I'm sure that I've missed 3 or 4 important moot points, but honestly, the rush that I got from reading it makes up for anything I've been too airheaded to miss.

I love you.

I love you, and I love this fic, and this is AMAZING.

Feel proud.

I felt something when I read this fic. And it's not often I get hooked, line and sinker, so fast that my head's still reeling. I can't even slow down I'm so excited from this fic!

WOw. Crazy good.

Bottom line is, you're a winner, darling. An absolute winner.


-a happy person.
xXFissshBonesssXx chapter 5 . 2/3/2008

This is so good. There are no words for the happiness with which you've provided me.

-eats hungrily-
kitsunecoyote chapter 6 . 12/17/2007
I likey!

It's awesome... :3 Pleasepleaseplease continue soon :3

Prescripto13 chapter 6 . 12/8/2007
The relationship between Itachi, Kakashi, and Sasuke was a fascinating read. I loved your perspective. This story was well-written and compelling. Excellent work.
Majestically Mystical chapter 6 . 11/17/2007
-saves your soul-

Ahh, this was brilliant! w So in character and lovely and angsty and everything.

I loved the ending.
Ebony chapter 6 . 8/20/2007
very well written. i find it difficult to find such good fanfics. The vast majority of them make no sense, are quite disgusting, have a terrible story etc. i liked this one though (thats a lot coming from me) well done
Mel chapter 6 . 7/2/2007
That was AMAZING. It was such a good story... Although Kakashi kissing Sasuke kinda took my off guard... Haha, BUT I SWEAR, IT WAS AN EXCELLENT STORY! Please keep on writing!


rnc4 chapter 6 . 6/25/2007
That was...awesome. I'd be very interested to read further on the continuation of the Kakashi/Sasuke interaction here, and also the Naruto/Sasuke interaction. I'd love to also know what Sakura thinks about all of this, and how she fits in. Finally...MORE ITACHI! You do an extraordinary Itachi, and I'd love to read more of him. Overall, I guess I'm saying, Don't Stop! The End doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world, right? 'Cause you have created your own little niche world here, and, again...awesome.
zst4ever chapter 6 . 5/28/2007
your writing is amazing, and the stories are incredibly sweet-you should write more naruto fics, you know the characters really well! i feel like this should be made into an episode or something, or even the finale...
ZST chapter 6 . 3/17/2007
This fic. is amazing. You portrayed everything so beutifully, and i love how you captured every angle of the characters. I cant wait to read more of your work! Keep writing!

SasukeHime chapter 1 . 2/2/2007
Nice fic. All the others that I've read are a bit overrated but yr's is just nice
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