Reviews for The Boogie Man
creativesm75 chapter 10 . 7/29/2015
thwipthwipity chapter 1 . 9/30/2013
Okay. Lol, I know it's Been like what?, 3 years since you've finished this?
Anyways, I really liked this! The whole story was amazing!
1valleygirl3 chapter 1 . 5/7/2011
love it! there are not enough of batman/robin stories out there. i love that you wrote this!
swirlhearty23 chapter 2 . 1/21/2011
I still like it. For some reason it felt like I was watching a movie or something. This is really good.
swirlhearty23 chapter 1 . 1/21/2011
I totally enjoyed it.
Hellsingfan chapter 10 . 10/15/2009
I first saw this story on multiple favorites and although Batman isn't my favorite super hero, I enjoy this greatly :)
Princess613 chapter 10 . 8/24/2009
It's not corny.
Princess613 chapter 4 . 8/24/2009
Dick is a common nickname for Richard. Older than the slang.
Spicy Sweet chapter 10 . 6/3/2009
hey...very awesome write a very good batman...dark but not too dark...its perfect...and you made 9 year old dick grayson so lovable and thats such a hard thing to are one great writer...i really enjoyed this story and i think you should write a really dark batman and robin story...i think you would do a fantastic job...ill be reading more of your work especially after this fic...thanks for writing a cool story...take care
Lulu Belle chapter 7 . 3/26/2009
The Joker does deserve a good thrashing and I hope at the end, he gets it!

Very good and kind of spooky. Wonder why he didn't finish the job- probably would only take a few more seconds and multi-person BM probably could have handled both... guess I will have to read the next chapter to find out!

(sorry for the strange musing reviews as I think out loud, or really, in text)
Lulu Belle chapter 6 . 3/26/2009
Interesting, the comparison of the shadows- from the Boogie Man and Batman.

favorite line of the chapter "a shadow defying those made of shadows..."

I hope there will be more comparisons in the next chapter! When the boogie man tangles with the tangible shadow... that's all batman needs to be intimidating, just his shadow...
Lulu Belle chapter 5 . 3/26/2009
Get over yourself? lol. Yup, typical kid. I still remember when my youngest bro was at that stage.. thankfully both brothers have grown out of the "I was never scared/believed that" denial phase (well, the youngest is getting better!)

But I do like Batman's rant about how only a criminal would hit a kid with a chair! I really do like this side of ol' Bats!

And now the whole Joker thing makes sense (as to why let someone else get rid of batman).

Oh, the Joker's gonna get it when Bruce finds out what happened to Robin!
Lulu Belle chapter 4 . 3/26/2009
I forgot to comment on your last AN: If it will keep you writing more stories like these, I will gladly send you batteries for the closet! And as for Richard and Dick:

Dick is a nickname for Richard, as well as Rick and Richie. My Grandpa is Dick and my uncle is Richie. I don't know any Ricks, but I do know a Rico... Eermm, yeah, ANYWHO!

hehe, I liked Robin worrying for batman! and their great morning conversation! Interesting, so our nameless fellow hired the Joker (surprsied the Joker didn't ask just for help in killing the Batman, that he was allowing it to be done by someone besides him... then again, anyway to get rid of your enemy)
Lulu Belle chapter 3 . 3/25/2009
YAY! I really loved this! All the humor! haha! "-act like a kid and pretend you don’t understand what he’s telling you." *rolls on the floor laughing* And Catwoman and her anatomy lesson! "Do I have to wait for catwoman to tell me in 9 years or will you?" Twitch... twitch. "Ask Alfred" HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I was DYING during that part! HEHEHE *gasps for breath* HOHOHO! So nice! Wow, I soo needed that!

and then the creepier part... does bruce fall asleep in the chair? At least there was no direct mention of the boogie man (in the bottom half of this anyways).

ANd I do love Robin's logic! hehe, little kids, you gotta love them! And you are doing a great job writing him! I don't think it's possible for Robin to get cuter than this...

And the homework gets ignored in favor of a good batman robin story. Sounds like a good idea to me!
Lulu Belle chapter 2 . 3/25/2009
Like it? I love it!

I really like how you add in Bruce's side comments as well; like describing richard flipping to land on the balcony and it scared him to death sometimes when richard did that.

I especially liked the part of his fiery spirit and how he ended up as Batman's sidekick instead of a crime fighter. lol

Yes, Richard is very cute as a kid, and who can resist Bruce playing dad?

So, my homework isn't getting done for a while as I head off to chapter three!

p.s. the last sentence when Bruce spent the night with Dick, about IT watching them carefully, *shivers* yeah, gave me the creeps!

The creepy elements are kind of subtle, and I like that! Gives me chills a bit. Well, onwards and upwards!
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