Reviews for Bourbon and Cola
allykismet chapter 1 . 12/28/2005
I never expected that pairing in my life! Don't continue, leave like that. I don't really prefer that pairing, but as usual it seems nice in this story.
DarkHero-DuoMaxwell chapter 1 . 6/5/2005
wow fic
Impersonating-an-entity chapter 1 . 5/23/2005
Wow - that was unusual! Anyhow, I figured it out with quite a bit of surprise when it wasn't one of the usual gang.

Anyhow, I like Atsuko, but her and Kurama... woah. Thanks for not having Atsuko just give in and do some sappy love scene - it made it more real, for one thing. I will say that having Kurama say that he was stricken by her beauty the first time he saw her was a bit over board...

Anyhow, It was still well written and I liked it. The scenes were really good - well detailed but not suffocatingly so, with interesting balance of depth and normality. I look forward to more!

Entity and the Keeper/Imanen-sama

Gavr3el chapter 1 . 5/14/2005
O.O Why I thought this was in Kurama's younger brother's POV, I'll never know...and I thought that he was talking to Yusuke...-.-; I should have gotten that...How the heck did my disturbed mind come up with younger Shuiichi/Yusuke? (sigh) Nonetheless...this was absoluetly wonderful! And nothing less than the best from one of the most talented writers I know! And I do believe you should continue this! Also, I do have a pairing suggestion...I guess you're already gonna think younger Shuiichi/ Yusuke...and Yep you're right! I don't believe I have seen one of these written...and if anyone can do it...the author is you! ;)THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REVIEWING MY THINGS! It means the world to me to know that one of the few authors I look up to thinks I have truly don't know how that makes me feel...and I could never put it into words no matter how hard I tried...I feel so inferior when I read your things (sigh)... I don't deserve such praise from someone who writes WAY BETTER than I do!And another thing...your review to "The Garden of Angels" made me cry, for it touched me deeper than any other review I have EVER gotten...and like you I do not cry so easily. And you don't have to thank me for writing it...I did what I always do when I write...I put all my heart and emotion into it whether for my mother in this case...or any other...Writing is my lifeline when hope seems so dim...and i would never write for anything other than touching another person's life in some way no matter how small...and I should be thanking you for letting this poem touch you...that you were responsive to the emotions that many others overlook...Thank You for everything, Saku-sama! (bows low in respect)And I bet your mother was a beautiful and amazing woman...And my prayers will be with you and your father... I hope he gets well soon... (huggles Saku-sama)

With all my love,


P.S. I feel you have earned so much more than this one review…you have reviewed all of my things…you need about a million dedications…for being so supportive and believing in me…I really do not deserve it though…I’m not such a great writer…at least in my own eyes…there is so much I need to improve on…Again Thank you so much!
SamiKismet chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
Wow, I really haven't seen that pairing before and it was well put together, I must add! Although, I personally think you should keep it at one-shot... other readers are probably curious about what happens after six-month and so am I, but I believe it would kill the flow, for some reason. I hope I'm making sense. But overall: Very well done! And by the way, *sighs* I was one from the not-guess-right list. . At least with me, your purpose was fulfilled!
JessKnowsBest chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
it sounds promising. i think you should continue!
etonikto chapter 1 . 5/5/2005
HM... I dunno. Didn't expect Atsulo, moer like Koenma (Botan 'babysitting'), but why would Koenma drink? _ Oh well.

Maybe you should continue. This wouls turn out into an amazing fic if ya do! Oh, BTW, on the net,I've heard Kurama's B-Day was June 20th something... But those are just rumors. .~ Ja ne!
tiny teeth chapter 1 . 5/4/2005
hmm, keep it as a oneshot. Not to imply that a second chapter will be well wanted by the masses, but the loose ending of a one shot make the mind wander into fun and exciting places. ~points to herself proudly~ yep I guessed the pairing. ~searchs for her treat~ Candy please!
hColleen chapter 1 . 5/3/2005
Caught the pairing...and I can't say I've seen it before...though, I don't read a lot of m/f pairings. This odd pairing...finals are definately a time of strange ideas.'s well written. I will not tell you if you should continue...that is between you and your muse.
Senpai-Hibari-san chapter 1 . 5/3/2005
That was so good Write more! ROCK ON!