Reviews for Ice Cream
woofyy chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
Ngawww hahaha how cute :D cute short story :D good luckies with your future stories :)
naraku-doll chapter 1 . 12/3/2012
Always listen to black hay ate, the voice of wisdom!
nadeshikofan chapter 1 . 7/6/2012
First off, Hiromu Arakawa is the creator of FMA (I strangely memorized that name... lol xD)
Second off, this story is so sweet and adorable and cute and and! I LOVE IT!
lecchan chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
I wonder how I missed this story. Anyway, EVERYTHING about it is awesome. Roy's perverted thoughts started it perfectly, he really would think something like that. Riza too, anyway. And then you wrapped the end so sweetly, this kind of display of affection suits them perfectly. Subtle, loving, caring, and somewhat perverted. I loved it~
Hinata Hyuga chapter 1 . 1/23/2011
love the fic
pout chapter 1 . 12/30/2009
i just had a perverted thought i guess..

when the ice cream melted and roy found out about it...i just thought that he will lick it up...hahahhahahah

but its a nice story though
chibiaries chapter 1 . 9/12/2009
Perhaps, answers a dry voice from within his cranium. It depends on how one perceives this truly innocent combination. One of a perverse nature would see this and naturally come to perverse thoughts.

Roy curses the anonymous eloquent speaker. He is not perverse. He is merely… well informed.

In perverse things.


Mwahahahahahahaha. These lines made me laugh so hard. And in this oneshot, there is actually some strands of logic in it so it doesn't seem so much as a crackfic.

Excellent work.
Creative Spark chapter 1 . 2/18/2008
Aww cute! I liked how you ended it. That's right Hayate sometimes a good bark is all it takes.

Monsieur Incognito chapter 1 . 6/5/2007
Yes, chuui really means first lieutenant. Shōi is second lieutenant.
BlackMorale chapter 1 . 5/31/2007
we! thats so kawaii... and sweet! hehe... luv the ending! really so cute! XP
Kurissyma san Tybalt chapter 1 . 5/19/2007
That was so cute! Just one thing- though her name is Elizabeth and it would make more sense to call her Liza, she's actually called Riza. Other than that, good, and I'm sorry if someone's already told you about the whole Liza thing and I'm just being annoying, lol P

Adelaide MacGregor chapter 1 . 10/17/2006
Aww that was so cute! I love how Roy exaggerates...but I find he can be astounishingly right in some instances. Hmm...our beloved Roy. Great job!
KTRose chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
Hurrah for Hayate, the romantic catalyst! Sometimes, you need look only to the least logical to realize what is most logical. I read the reviews before the story, to see what it was like, and I must say that Elizabeth is actually Hawkeye's first name (read the manga!). It's just that in Japanese, as far as I know, the 'l' sound we use in English is replaced with a more 'r'-like sound. Therefore, Riza, Liza, and Elizabeth are all proper names, just as Ishvar and Ishbal are (and so many other things). So, there you go. Other than the naming confusion, I have to say that this is one of the cuter, fluffier, lovelier pieces I've read, and perfect for the beginning of summer!
rizaXroylover-edelric chapter 1 . 3/25/2006
hey hawkeye's first name is riza not liza or elizabeth i don't know where you got that from but it is uncorrect nd b/c of that i kinda lost intrest in the story. sry for being harsh but... i don't like having to re read every time it says the wrong thing and replace it w/ the right thing in my mind so umm so sry for harsh ness but im a really serious fan of riza and roy i think their the best couple of any anime anywhere. ne-way bbfn(bye bye for now)

-ed elric/ Riza Hawkeye -x
kinokokichigai chapter 1 . 10/2/2005
aah! perverted mustang!

...but of course, when is he not?

eew. dirty thought. don't go there.

ja ne, andkeep writing,

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