Reviews for Bathroom Musings
Ihni chapter 1 . 8/25/2018
Damn but this was actually painful to read! I loved it. Short and intense and sad, and like a punch to the gut. I feel for him in this story, it almost feels as if he's given up.
John-im-crushed-Bender chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
florrey chapter 1 . 12/9/2012
Wow, that was a really good written and realistic insight into Bender's mind, who has been one of my favorite movie characters ever since I first saw BC at the age of around 12.
You got him so well, showing his hopelessness as well as that inside the rough freak there is an intelligent guy that just never stood a chance - I really can imagine him coming up with the gum metaphor, liked that a lot.
I don't know whom I despise more, the father or the oh-so-perfect neighbour.

I know it's rather unlikely after such a long time, but I would love to read more BC fanfiction written by you.
CharmedOneForever chapter 1 . 5/11/2009
Wow, this is really good. Powerful emotions. I watched this film for the first time last night and I was blown away. I especially liked John. This was excellent!
Romen chapter 1 . 12/2/2008
Poor Bender...This is very sad, but well written. I liked the gum metaphor.
Ghostwriter chapter 1 . 9/17/2008
Very cool. Catch ya on the flip side.
wild wolf free17 chapter 1 . 11/25/2006
Well done.
MrsPiccolosWife chapter 1 . 4/22/2006
That was so...sad.I love Bender, and I wanted to hold him. I also wanted to kill that bitch that knows what's going on but doesn't do a thing about it! Very amamzing fic.
KangarooGirl chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
Wow - seriously powerful shit, I love it. Actually I don't feel comfortable saying I love it, but then I didn't feel comfortable reading it. I felt guilty for being a voyeur and not doing something to stop what was happening to John.

There, you've finally gotten me so confused between reality and fiction that I want to step in and do something!

Ok - so I'm a little odd, I'll hold my hands up to that, but your writing is fantastic - to be able to transport a reader into the actual situation and make them feel genuine emotion is something that every writers tries to achieve but so few actually manage it.

An excellent piece of writing,


HELENz chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
WoW. I love these stories that get into the minds of certain charactors. Your writing in this one is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
thereturnofmerry chapter 1 . 6/12/2005
wow, that was so...AWESOME! i just saw the movie last night on tv and bender's my all-time fav character. you're really good, btw. is this a one-shot? it'd be cool if you could continue. it probably said one-shot in the summary. anywho, really cool!
Alexandra P. Useless chapter 1 . 6/11/2005
The grim reality of life very often does escape us in the world. I have to remind myself every day what some of my class mates have to go home to every day. I hope to see more of your work *very* soon... Especially about John.
zazee chapter 1 . 6/4/2005
This has to be the best-written BC fic on the site! Keep it up!
JBFan chapter 1 . 5/3/2005
Beautifully crafted monologue, brilliant.
TWbasketcase chapter 1 . 4/25/2005
Thank you for finally posting a John Bender story that is realistic. A lot of the abuse stories are ridiculous. Nice job capturing the character. Keep up the good work.
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