Reviews for Wordsplats
LithiumAddict chapter 14 . 4/24/2006
I'm unsure of how I stumbled across this, and I don't think I really care at this point. I'm still half-shaking in awe at these...these wordsplats. Amazing word there.

An exercise, hm? An apparently successful one at that. Of course, I really couldn't say considering I'm unaware of the original intention behind it...but I can say that I enjoyed reading these very much. I'm jealous of your ability to twist and use words. Every single syllable seems like it means MORE here, that there's almost a hidden story behind the story you're telling...and if I look hard enough, read closely enough, I might be able to glean something of it. Wow.

Thank you so very much for sharing this with the world. It's beautiful, and that's really all that I can say.
Swasti chapter 8 . 4/21/2005
oh my gosh thats just so beautiful.
ishandahalf chapter 15 . 4/20/2005
i can officially say that i'm now a big fan of wordsplats. not just the word (which is rather droll), but the little ficlets themselves too. cuz wow! just... wow. WOW.