Reviews for Suki da Yo NeeChan
yumerin chapter 1 . 12/17/2005
This is my favorite Fatal Frame fic Your story is very well written And I like 'incest' when the author put in this way, as you did! Really, really love this one _
valkyrie chapter 1 . 8/22/2005
It is INDEED a very good and beautiful... Please do write on.
Chiakster chapter 1 . 6/27/2005
This is by far the saddest story I have ever read, and also one of the very best. I cried halfway through, as well as at the end. You are a very talented writer, and I thank you for allowing such a fine work to be read publicly.
Chitose Tachibana chapter 1 . 6/9/2005
OMFG!This is the best fan fic I have read in a long time!I am still crying!This is so sad!Write more like this one!
CelestialGeisha chapter 1 . 4/28/2005
God, this is beautiful. Honestly, it moved me to tears. Good job.
gone-bam-gone chapter 1 . 4/24/2005
Aw, that's really quite a sad story, really beutifully written too. I don't see why no one's updated, it's good story :D