Reviews for Like Wolves
machievelli chapter 1 . 6/7/2010
To be posted 4 June 2010 on StarwarsKnights under The Critic returns and Lucasforums under the Critic’s Two Cents.

I will tag those I liked as pick of the week. Check at StarwarsKnights for the best of the best.

Originally reviewed 10 Feb 2006 at kotorfanmedia, that review is below:

Set six years after KOTOR: The exile tracks down Revan to gain revenge.

Back in January I reviewed Phoq’s Wounds of the Past. At that time I commented on a stilted style, and that it would improve.

I am happy to see that I was correct. Like Wolves flows gently like butter, smooth and delightful. 17 readers on the site gave it a thumbs up.

Add mine.

Reprise Pick of the Week
Amme Moto chapter 1 . 9/6/2005
This thing never said if it was a one-shot. If it was, I LOVED IT! If it wasn't, I LOVE IT PLEASE UPDATE! _
Janet Flare chapter 1 . 7/6/2005
Very well written.

I love it .
Prisoner 24601 chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
I liked this actually, and I thought it was rather good. I always imagined that a meeting between Revan and the Exile would be less than friendly, given their past history. Exile's vengeance soaked hunt for Revan and the fight between them was well done. I especially liked the last line of the story, which, given the personalities of the characters involved, is very appropriate.

Nice Work!
Talhiri chapter 1 . 4/21/2005
It's good, I lvoe the emotions in the story. Hate, love, hurt, wonder, curiosity... it's all there. Will there be anymore chapters related to this or is the story over?
Arrow chapter 1 . 4/15/2005
If you hadn't told me I never would have guessed that English wasn't your first language - or not your only, you know what I mean you crazy Canadian. But wow, that was good. You took a concept that could easily be cliche and made it very clear and concise and was even well developed. Not cheesy either... I mean sheesh. You can draw and you can write. Excuse me while I go seethe in jealousy.
StatlerWaldorf chapter 1 . 4/14/2005

What else can I say?
Jiara Anatalis chapter 1 . 4/14/2005
Great set piece, glad to see it here! Nice idea to have the Exile and Revan meet up this way: detailed without being specific.

Keep up the good work!