Reviews for Fake
Daisy Dollop chapter 6 . 7/5/2015
Wow, what a read! I really enjoyed reading her thoughts and perspective on the events of the diary. Given she's a big player and we get so little in the books I liked your ideas on how she handled the possession of the diary. Especially at the end of this chapter when she mourned what she thought Tom was pretending to be. Something many of us have experienced. Thank you for this perspective.
Stardawn chapter 6 . 3/26/2008
wow . . . that's really sad. poor ginny, i'd never realy thought about how awful it must have been for her. the way she was afraid to sleep reminded me of how in book 5 at grimmauld place harry was too. which i guess was the point, because ginny was posessed and harry thought he was. Anyway, i love it.
Minerva McGonagall Rox chapter 2 . 9/27/2007
This is great, your characters are IC, but I think your comp. messed up your format. Every so often, Ginny's writing shows up like this: i/writing writing/i. Have a nice day!

Minerva McGonagall Rox
kingdomskeys chapter 6 . 5/8/2006
Wow. I've just read the whole fic and it's amazing. I think you've really captured Ginny very well, as well as what Tom was like. Nice job.

Oh, thanks for your review! Yeah, I didn't even notice the thing about accepting her until you noticed it...eep...too late now...but they don't trust her, anyway...

Oh, and yes, I'm so glad you saw the taking the wall thing! It was MEANT to be funny! A friend actually mentioned it half-jokingly, telling me how I HAD to work it in... and I did. ;)
Cryptic Sarcasm chapter 6 . 1/7/2006
Good idea.
Nothanksnoname chapter 6 . 1/5/2006
O-okay. As promised, a proper review. If you even care. I warn you, though, I can't think of much con-crit.

Your spelling and punctuation are excellent, your idea is original, and people are in character. I also enjoyed the little shot of Harry/Ginny (if that's what it was). You could perhaps have made an effort to include some of the entries Riddle mentioned in the Chamber. This was utterly creepy, in a very canon-compliant way.
Nothanksnoname chapter 3 . 1/5/2006
Equally creepy. Yegosh, this was creepy. Poor Ginny. A more thorough review will be after the last chapter, but I want to see what happens right now.
Nothanksnoname chapter 2 . 1/5/2006
Creepy. Really creepy. She's a bit trusting, but Voldemort probably has an enchantment on the book/horcrux.
Ohyeah100 chapter 6 . 12/31/2005
So great. Liked how you wrote Tom Riddle for the most part, he is pretty hard to write. Great story. Ginny will trust again! She will start dating Harry in the fith year atr hogwarts. well her fifith. Ok rambling.(:
Ohyeah100 chapter 5 . 12/31/2005
poor girlie. what about Harry finding out about everything she has said about him. She seems like that would be a really bad thing for her.
Ohyeah100 chapter 3 . 12/31/2005
Soo good and way .(:
Ohyeah100 chapter 2 . 12/31/2005
Wow, this is very very exellent, good, amazing, little schppokie tho.
Ohyeah100 chapter 1 . 12/31/2005
this is really good. I likethat Tom dosn't appear immediatly evil like so many other Ginny and Tom stories. i mean, Ginny isn't that stupid is she? i hope not.
lizzzspiffy chapter 6 . 8/12/2005

you have written another wonderful tale!

i just wish i had your talent!


- * * *
Nether chapter 6 . 7/1/2005
I read all of them before writing this. All of them were nice and short,and a quick read with a good story is nice once and a while. Keep writing and I'll keep reading them.
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