Reviews for True Freedom
icklebrina chapter 10 . 4/27/2008
Love the story so far! But I have a quick comment...

You are, actually, using savvy right. It comes from savez-vous in pidgen from the west indies, which comes from the french word savoir, which means "to know". So your use of it as "got that" or "understand" is right.
xXInfamousxImmortalXx chapter 15 . 3/31/2008
this is good! i need more! MORE! lol. WRITE SOON!
earlymorningdove chapter 15 . 2/27/2008

I just found your story, and I know it has been awhile since you have updated, but I would love to find out what will happen next with Ali and Jack, and the rest of the characters. Will Ali ever see Elizabeth or her father again? Will Jack forgive her? I would love to read more of her adventures.

I hope you update! :)
K.D. Sparrow chapter 15 . 7/19/2007
Wonderful story! I can't wait for more!
Cat18 chapter 15 . 6/20/2007
OH This is sucah a GREAT story you should really UPDATE!
blossomlite chapter 15 . 4/11/2007
GREAT story! I'm loving every second of it! Is there any chance you'll be updating it in a near future...?

Keep it up! ;-)

until next time,

PirateLuvers101 chapter 15 . 1/8/2007
We love your fanfic! Can't wait for next review, hopefully it will be soon. Can't wait to see what happensWith Ali!


Blackcat69 chapter 15 . 12/27/2006
Very good story! I do hope she gets to stay on the Black Pearl.

Keep up the good work and have a great day!
AneleTiger chapter 15 . 12/24/2006
So how about the webpage wouldn't let me review the revised edition claiming I had already read it? That's why I'm not signed in. Just thought I'd let you know that maybe people won't be able to least until this is fixed. Anyways, getting onto the important stuff. This chapter is really good, and I thought it was good before. Ali is certainly a handful, so I can't say that what the crew will decide to do with her is so clear. I hope they don't kill her. That would not be very nice. Of course, if they do decide to kill her and Jack suddenly realizes he's madly in love with her and tries to save her that would be very dramatic...and now I'm going off on a tangent.

So, to wrap up, keep on writing, don't let the caving get you down and please, update soon!
Her Name Was Tamora chapter 15 . 12/23/2006
Well by this point I think she might've just blown up and started cursing a whole lot about just WHY she wanted out of that life and how everything sucks. She's been through enoiugh - she's gotta scream it out at some point.

Still, nice to see this story back again.

Update a lot sooner than it took last time!


-The Cardboard Moon
Syphonus chapter 15 . 12/23/2006
Ah, this is fabulous! I love you! I was so sad when there was no arrow button on the right side of the chapter thingie... I cannot wait for you to update!
Shadow of Darkness 22 chapter 15 . 12/23/2006
You must continue this story is really good. Please update soon.
250163 chapter 15 . 12/22/2006
Gah. Mah God. Okay, so I'm uberly new to this site, and your story is the first one that I've read. You've no clue how glad I am that it was, becuase it's so incredably good, I love it. I think you've got all of the POTC charactores down to the last eyelash, and I absolutley adore the plot line. If you haven't already guessed, I love your story.

Keep up the good work D

Princess Amberly chapter 15 . 12/21/2006
Ack i still find it a cliffhanger, seeing as it has been awhile since you updated! You didn't give up on it did you? Please come back...!Plz?


~Princess Amberly
PSYCH-aholic chapter 15 . 11/29/2006
Wow! I loved it! I can't wait for more... cuz you can't just end the story on such a big cliffhanger. It would be fanfiction suicide! Well, all I can say is that there is one word that screams out at the end of this chapter. "Dang" or if you don't mind swearing "Damn".

Please update soon!

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