Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: A Change in the Past
xKeeper of the Starsx chapter 6 . 5/11/2006
ANNA! I missed ya! did you get my email the other day? so much has been going on that I can hardly keep track of it all! well... I'm at school, and i'm in RAP. its where you sit in one room all day and do the work assigned by teachers... um.. Well. I didn’t feel like doing work.. -_-… its supposed to be for ‘naughty kids’ but I was absent on Monday… that’s why I’m here! I was like I was in Tennessee, what was I supposed to do, walk here, steal the car? Hehehehehehehe…. Jacoby (assist. Princ.) got mad about that…. _.. then I had to write some stupid 50 word essay about why I’m here and the effect my behavior had on me and the ppl. Around me and yada yada yada… but really I just told him off…(sigh)I live to make people like him mad….lol..and he tried to give jared 3 was (Wednesday after school)((3 hour detention!)) he slamed his door and called jacoby a dirty name (no need to say what) and walked out… he was suspended for 10 days…lol… that’s my bro for ya… I might have internet home too soon… oh! Can’t wait till my b-day! It’s on the 26th! Same day as my best friend Abby... Kinda weird… but my dad is getting me some hand made necklaces! One has a 2in. dagger on it. Cant wait! And only have like14 days of school left! Well got to go…!
KV chapter 5 . 1/16/2006
"What the hell is that thing!" he wispered to Tetra, who was just as scared as he was.

what? since when does Link curse? bad. very bad.
Kirby chapter 3 . 1/16/2006
Ok. But, what about speaking Hylean? I can't speak that; only Japanese."

Link speaks New Hylian. OOT Link speaks Old Hylian. Not Japanese, though Japanese is cool...

and it's spelled "Hylian" heh...

"...his boat possessed the spirit of the formal king of Hyrule."

It's former. spellcheck won't catch that. And i still don't like the fact that Link has a watch, btw, but it's alright.

I'm really harsh, huh?

Kirby chapter 1 . 1/15/2006
LK! your spelling bugs me! I'm your same age and I don't spell like that at all!

but anyways, why does Link have a watch? let him look at the moon or something; the moon travels much like the sun, only it doesn't rise in the east all the time.

And remind me: why does Link have an attitude again?

And is he supposed to have the Master Sword? because the King tells him to get it...

and, um, does he ever take Aryll(note spelling! j/k) to the fountain?

Sorry for the scathing criticism, but it bugs me...
halfatheory357 chapter 5 . 8/3/2005
Hara...! Random review. Talk to you on later or Friday of some sort. Woo, yeah... keep it up. What you said would happen sounds intersting. Smiles!
Ado-sama chapter 5 . 7/27/2005
Yes, well I lost my Hamlet book, so no Old English for a while. Gosh, all I've seen are clips of the manga, the game and a few pictures, and yet, this story's probably much more interesting (although, I've never played it...) Well, anyways, interesting so far. I think the paradise thing should be (like for Tetra or someone) It should be like some place like New York. I've never been there myself, but my friend has and so has one of my siblings. Something like that... Well, it can be in an England style. They're cool (once again, never been there.) But still... Well, update.
Ra Ra chapter 1 . 7/2/2005
Wow this is a great fic!

Now I'm just wondering how you're going to identify both Links, without having to say the grown up one, the young one, etc.

Kinda confusingO_o

Anyways, update soon_
halfatheory357 chapter 4 . 6/30/2005
The song I was listening to was cut off. Well, NEHO, great chapter! When are you going to put up the next chapter?
xKeeper of the Starsx chapter 4 . 6/29/2005
hihi hi! I'm really sorry I couldnt review!

havent been on since may 13th...sad I know... dont have a 'puter anymore yeah...anyway great chapie! sry g2g... so see ya later!
Sweetwater-Rhapsody chapter 4 . 6/17/2005
your stories' cool! plz continue! ) its on story alert!
Birth of Venus chapter 1 . 6/13/2005
Great story! I really like it. But, you might want to check out some spelling errors that you made. No offense, but you made quite a few. But I really enjoyed the story in general. It's original. Anyway, keep it up and update soon!
Greki chapter 4 . 6/13/2005
Wow, great story, somewhat original too!
Achitka chapter 3 . 6/6/2005
Well at a minimum there were far fewer spelling errors over all. Go you. - Anyway, keep writing and will drop by again sometime to read more.
halfatheory357 chapter 3 . 5/11/2005
Yeah, I'm reviewn'. Keep it up. Sorry 'bout da lap top.
Ado-sama chapter 3 . 5/8/2005
Hath this take'th so long. Thou might us'th time delecatly. Kept hath in state of insanity.
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