Reviews for Being Somewhere, But Being No One
wendums chapter 28 . 2/16/2014
Good fic. A couple of typos and missed words but a very nice piece of work
Koicakes chapter 28 . 5/20/2011
What? The end? Aww! But how is that an end? What happened after? You should write a sequal to cover that (even a one, two or three shot would be nice)

Anyway, I love this story!
For A Key chapter 8 . 4/30/2008
I really like this story. I'm so sad beacuse Alice is dead. It's very well written. Please update!
JustAnnie chapter 4 . 4/4/2005
I'm enjoying it so far. And I'm looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen.

I think you could slow down a bit some places though. Describe things more, and don't rush through it. At times it's more like a summary.

Other then that I'm liking it!:D