Reviews for Mayfly Fantasy
BatDemonKuronue123 chapter 8 . 7/12/2008
OMG! This is the best HijikataXOkita fic that I have read in quite a long time. I absolutely love it. Please keep writing until it's finished. You left me wanting more!
Ali-chan et Vani-chan chapter 8 . 1/2/2008
totally hot! Go Souji, go! please update soon;p
gilithramaloce chapter 8 . 10/1/2007
-pout- Are you still writing this? I would love to read more. I'm enjoying it quite alot.
Little Red Rabbit chapter 8 . 2/25/2007
Ohh, I really really like this! It's good. I really hope that you countinue it.
Zina chapter 8 . 1/15/2007
Oh please update soon. I want to know what happens next and I have to say that it's getting pretty hot.
Renkin-chan chapter 8 . 1/2/2007
Yay! I totally love your writing style and your sense of humor. You, and this fic, rock! I look forward to your next update. Hope it's soon (please)!
Yami no Tenshi chapter 8 . 7/17/2006
*Dies* Now how did Kondou know.. and why did he have to interupt? XDD

Oh the cruelty of not being able to find out what happens next. _

But I can wait. But do write more soon. haha
Nikki chapter 8 . 7/6/2006
There seems to be trouble in paradise, mhmm .

Man, was I happy to see this or what?

I'm still lovin' this fic! _
Kufuge chapter 8 . 7/1/2006
This is so cute/hawt/priceless and well written... I'm very impressed! There can never be enough Hijikata x Souji around, either, so... all the better!

Can't wait for an update
lelann37 chapter 8 . 6/30/2006
yea! love the story! poor souji and toshi are in trouuble. hehe, cant wait for more
Divertimento chapter 8 . 6/28/2006
Ah! Lemons! You write good lemons! *Glomps*

One thing though, the last 2 chapter happened too fast. They progressed from barely knowing each other to getting into each others' pants in one night?

But, it is very good, very. *Laughs*
mistic fox chapter 8 . 6/26/2006
oh, Soji's in trouble! damn...Oo
Fyyrrose chapter 8 . 6/26/2006
Limey...never, it's called being a tease! *pouts* and something you're good at. I have no idea why I wanted you to be a tease, but damnit, now I'm pissed )) I wanted more "lime" There better be another mouth watering, juicy, crumbles in your mouth love scene.

Okay I need more coffee. It's all good. Gawd, I would be so wrong as Nemu! I'm thinking about the pictures )) if no one thought of them as an item before they will now. I would get quite creative...and you would probably blush and get ready to deck me, and I would be staring at the camera like nothing was wrong...and then there's Dori...and poor Rob *shakes head*

You know it's sad when I can vividly picture it. No it's not the crack today, it's a hurried review and a cup of coffee in me.

Right a review for this I really have to do it again? Naw, I'll let you read this and shake your head.
Udyjay chapter 7 . 3/24/2006
Wahh, you need to continue! Please? Its so good! x3 o
Udyjay chapter 6 . 3/24/2006
skjdfhksdjf! Poor Souji! D: That was so #!$)(ed up. ;A;
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