Reviews for Numbers
Razer Athane chapter 1 . 3/28/2008
Slightly confusing as opposed to the other one shots of yours I have read, but irregardless I like it a lot. Beautifully written again just like the others. This is a side of Reno I wish was shown more in the game and was shown more in fan fiction. So kudos to you yet again.
Ticketout chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
The last punch lines really got me. Great rundowns of the characters, a pleasure to read.
darklace15 chapter 1 . 11/18/2007
"...shouldered the weight of the blue suit." I really liked the whole thing, but that line really stood out to me. Such a heavy sentence. Excellent. The repetition was amazing.
abby chapter 1 . 12/6/2006
this is brilliant! you're brilliant!
Nectaris chapter 1 . 9/2/2006
Wow. That was unbelievable. Thanks for writing this. It's amazing.
bgtea chapter 1 . 3/3/2006
I'm speechless. I love Reno in this fic. The way you portrayed him just clicked for me, and I can imagine him as he is in all his mad-but-not-quite-crazy, dark and bitter glory. I think you did a terrific job in writing him. Hat's off to you for this wonderful fic.
Sakura-Angel2 chapter 1 . 2/14/2006
This is MAD LOVE. Holy crap, I could just go on about how the concept is awesome and your style fits Reno like a glove and the description made Turk memories that didn't exist before this story... but I thnik that would be too long. I've summarized it already anyhoo. Anyways.
suke chapter 1 . 10/6/2005
that was really good.

like very much uber good

(ive spent the past week sifting through FFVII fanfics so im kinda incoherent and ubable to piece together sentences)

but, awesome.

this entire series of stories is awesome.
TheDonutMistress chapter 1 . 7/20/2005
This is my favorite of your Turks introspectives, though I enjoyed them all a lot. I never would've thought of Reno as the type to think that way, but the way you wrote it was so wonderful that by the end I was like, "That's -so- him!"

Killer ending.
cirruscastle chapter 1 . 6/3/2005
I like the way you have chosen to take a very specific focus for each of these introspective Turk stories. Some of the characters work better for you than others I think, but I like the idea that each of them has a specific way of seeing the world.

But what I like better than all of this is the slight grittiness that you add to the Shinra world, the late nights, the games of poker, the blood and the cityscape.

I have to say, some of the significances of the numbers go over my head, but since you pointed out that Shinra employees have to go mad (an observation that I found apt and just a little funny) I found that the numbers worked well. Numbers, if you use them enough start to mean nothing, or anything and I think Reno uses them that way.
Evil Mina chapter 1 . 5/10/2005
I love this! Something in the whole repetition of numbers just gives the whole story a rhythmic feel to it. There's something sort of "mad", for lack of a better word, in how Reno methodically categorizes everyone by numbers; it emphasizes the contrast between the rationality of numbers and math, and his own madness...and that made no sense whatsoever, did it? Damn, I suck at reviews. Although I don't know if Reno is the type who would see the world in terms of numbers (he always struck me as too laid back to be so tense and mathematical), the concept of this is still awesome. This is my favourite of the four Turk drabbles.

Oh yeah, and since you were worried about it, just a minor error with tenses:

"She fitted into the slot of people he ignored if he could, because even if it was five years ago now, the scratches she left on his back and on his brain have never really healed."

It should be "had never really healed" if it's supposed to be past tense. Also, "fit", not "fitted".
Nico-Chan chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
Very intersting. I liked seeing how Reno turned everything into numbers, sometimes considered the mind of a genius. I enjoyed the last two sentences and the how Reno seemed to feel about the others, in an abstract-wtf-kinda way. I also didn't notice anything about the present/past tense, so I think you did well. Your foray into the Turks is defintally intersting.
Riona chapter 1 . 3/30/2005
I adore Turk-fic, so it's great to see how Reno's mind works here - it's a very realistic portrayal of how he might think. The numbers for everyone are _perfect_, and I love the reasoning behind them, especially for Reeve, for Tseng and for Reno himself. And yes, the beginning and ending lines are fantastic.