Reviews for Another Day Without You
InABlueCastle chapter 16 . 3/24/2016
I've loved this story for a long time and always assumed that it had been abandoned, so I was so excited to see that it had been updated! Whenever I read Rilla of Ingleside I always wonder whether Faith and Jem considered getting married in the middle of the war, and I love your exploration of how that might have happened and what the aftermath of that decision would have been. You write these characters so well, and I can really see all the events in this story taking place in canon. I can't wait to see what happens next!
LisaT chapter 16 . 12/30/2015
Ouch! That last crack definitely deserved a slate over the head. Loving this, and please give lots more Anne/Gil along with the Faith/Jem!
HarnGin chapter 15 . 12/22/2015
Thank you for the lovely, unexpected, though none-the-less appreciated update. I hope to see more installments soon.

Happy Holidays!
katherine-with-a-k chapter 14 . 7/21/2014
hi irish princess!

i am so glad you are re-visiting this story, i don't think i would have found it otherwise and i am so happy to have discovered it. only wish i had this to read before i started my own story because it's given me so much "scope for the imagination'. i just read your whole story through in one sitting and that hardly ever happens with me. usually i come back later to read another installmant but your writing is so enjoyable, so original, and it flows so well, i couldn't let it go. i have so much to learn. you really have a great ability to write for the fanfic format, i was just clicking chapter after chapter as you kept me hanging, wondering what was going to happen next.
i must congratulate you on the gorgeous characterisation of jem and faith especially, i love them completely, and i only hope you don't think my jem is a bit of a let down in comparison.
i was fascinated with their backstory in england (the way you had the older woman's love story inspire a new one was a brilliant touch of montgomery.) and the way they are trying to build another life with the memory of war and loss and violence and fear bearing down on them at every turn is both realistic and heartbreaking. yet it never gets bogged down in sadness and that is a real skill. i can't wait to read the next chapter!
Andrea1984 chapter 14 . 7/18/2014
Poor Faith, she will never have children of her own.

Sorry, my english is not so good.

What has the Influenza to do, that Faith never have children ?


InABlueCastle chapter 14 . 7/17/2014
I'm so glad you updated! I love this story!
HarnGin chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
Welcome back! It was thrilled to get a new chapter after so long. Thank you so much!
MuggleCreator chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
Oh, Jem...
MuggleCreator chapter 13 . 7/20/2012
Aww! Keep this up! I love it!
Please update soon!
Dimcairien chapter 13 . 1/11/2012
I'm really glad to see that you're still writing this story and I hope that you're able to update it again soon.
Mtn Cousin chapter 13 . 12/30/2011
Have just discovered this story. I really have enjoyed it. Please continue writing as your story and portrayal of the characters is compelling.
HarnGin chapter 13 . 12/26/2011
Welcome, back! I have a soft spot for this story and am very glad to see an update.

Thanks for writing.
Andrea1984 chapter 13 . 12/26/2011
Many thanks for this chapter and for this story.


AllAboutTheDRAMA chapter 13 . 11/27/2011
seekerchasing chapter 13 . 5/19/2011
i love this story, especially the twist of Faith and Jem having eloped. haven't seen that one before and its fantastic. i really hope that you finish this, especially since you've left it on such a cliffhanger!
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