Reviews for Rain
Ruby Verfasser chapter 3 . 11/23/2008
Braces don't hurt THAT much. And I know how it feels. Did Dana SMILE! AAH!
freddiebenson chapter 3 . 10/14/2008
Aw, I just got my braces off. Don't worry, once you get the braces off, your teeth look great. great chappie
lambtastic chapter 3 . 6/26/2007
aww:3 cute. no worries dana. my mom doesn't want me to have a boy friend either:p lol. it inda sucks but oh well... the story is continue soon!
Amanda chapter 3 . 6/4/2007
Okay old story w/e.

I still feel the need to coment.

Dana goes to boarding school

how would her mom even know?
Guest chapter 3 . 4/24/2006
sorry I didnt review the other chapters. but let me just say... WOW! this totally ISNT what I expected it to be. no offense but I think the summary is what threw people off. They think it's LZ fic. Myabe you could get more reviews if you put something differenct. Other than that, AWESOME JOB!

keep it up :)
Notsotransparent chapter 3 . 3/26/2006
dude how long do i have to wait til you update?kiddingbut h0pe you update so0n
DanielsHpHottie91 chapter 3 . 3/20/2006
Hey, okay I had braces for 2 years, every time u get ur braces tightened chew gum, lol, I kno they say not to, but still chew it, it keeps it from not hurting, and make sure u put plenty of wax on the braces to keep them from cutting up ur mouth, don't worry after 6 months of having them ur mouth will get tougher and ur braces won't cut up ur mouth as much, email me if u wanna talk, l8er!
rainbow5889 chapter 3 . 8/9/2005
to help ur pain, take a couple of Ibuprofen pills. Also get LOTS of smoothies.

btw really good story
LoganDana4Ever chapter 3 . 5/11/2005
Braces suck, I can tell you that. But only for a few days, or maybe a week, depending on the sensitivity of your gums. Keep up the great work on the story; I ain't kissing MY boyfriend unless it's raining!
RyAnCoNdE chapter 3 . 5/4/2005
Awesome chapter. Can't wait until the next one comes so write it quick.
Jakusa chapter 3 . 5/1/2005
The summary for this fooled me. XD Anyways, it's awesome! And I'm sorry about your braces, the first few weeks hurt like hell, but you get used to it over time.
Mrs.KenshinHimura chapter 3 . 4/30/2005

so you just got braces huh? well...lemme put it to ya this way. im gettin mine off soon so i shall tell ya from experience ok? lol anywayz, all you have to do is take 2 advil when they really hurt and you just cant stand it, eat something really soft like ramen noodles or something, and lay down, and as soon as they stop hurting then that means that you are slowly starting to get used to them, and after the 1st few tightenings, they wont hurt as much as they used just takes time. and before you know it, you'll be getting yours off too. well, i hope this advice works for ya. it sure did for me. well, hope ya get to feelin better. and please update real soon too...and please do put some Chase and Zoey action please? lol

the monster created chapter 3 . 4/27/2005
good good please more drama and love
SelfHatred chapter 3 . 4/26/2005
hey clammy! the braces r really hurting u huh? anyways nice chappie! but this could b interesting...
tinkaroo09 chapter 3 . 4/26/2005
hey i got braces too and they hurt like crap, but if you take tylonal and eat soup they they arn't so bad i had a tightening yesterday so myn hurt to. you not the only one. plus you need to get some Zoey and chase action going there. one couple isn't enough. keep updating
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