Reviews for Broken Rules
paraselene chapter 14 . 11/15/2019
definitely among the best nejihina I've read :D your writing style is good, it made me sympathize with neji and hinata's struggles quite effectively. also, the way you tell your story, it's so intriguing. I mean other fanfics I've read would usually be too straightforward or too-good-to-be-true, but this one really got me interested. I'm kinda glad I got here 12 years after this was finished cuz now I wouldn't have to anxiously think of ways the next chapters would go before you released them xD but I'm kinda sad too cuz I really don't know if my message will still reach you :0 now for the ending... I couldn't believe I'm actually saying this cuz I'm a whore for good endings, but the end you provided, for me, was fitting. Not because of the title lmao. It's the way your characters developed. Hinata would naturally have a mother's instinct to protect her child over her desires. It's kind of the same to when Itachi chose to kill his clan for Konoha's peace, ultimately saving his lil brother's life, the one most important to him. maybe a far stretch since I jumped to another clan lmao but I hope you get the analogy. The only thing that bothered me was Neji's reaction. I expected him at least protest even a bit or some reaction that would show his true feelings towards hinata's decision but I guess he kind of knew what was going on and was too jaded by the works of fate. oh well. these two cousins really deserved more, especially neji. daamn. before I ramble more on fate's favoritism on main characters, I gotta end this with a big thank you for amusing me with this story!
Guest chapter 4 . 9/17/2018
This story is so cute, I was a little hesitant to read nejihina stories, but this one makes me wanna read more!
San chapter 14 . 8/15/2016
I don't really understand the ending.
Dipsgirl chapter 14 . 7/7/2016
okey i love the story n all but wht does this ending mean .. it was really disappointng (to me atleast)
LillieGhoul chapter 14 . 11/10/2015
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Aside from the fact that he is a Branch, a marriage between them is still very much possible. Neji IS a Hyuuga after all.. Taken from the fact that they were willing to keep the child with Neji's strength, but failing to accept him as a future head of family is implausible. Otherwise, good work. I enjoyed reading this, even if some of the characters did seem OOC at some points. I suggest you do something about the heavy weight in my chest though, even if it's been practically ten years since you wrote this o.O
Mei chapter 1 . 8/16/2014
hi, i didn't understand the story.. its so deep to undertsand... did shino and hinata married... and what happened to hinata? if you don't mind, tell me what happend at all... just a summary ... Mei
Me chapter 10 . 8/12/2014
Holy poop. This is good. Really good.

I love NejiHina and since it's not such a popular pairing it's hard to find good stories like this! I hope you continue sharing your talent with the world by continuing to write!
Arkosenn chapter 14 . 11/22/2013
great story. But the ending was anticlimactic to say the least
ExilEden chapter 14 . 7/19/2013
I guess I should have seen this ending coming, given what the summary was about.

Truly, I thought all those moments where Hinata made her prayers, and where she cries for Neji not to leave her, would all culminate, or at the very least mean something more than just scene fillers. I'm not trying to be mean towards you, as the author, because you write outstandingly well. It's proved, otherwise I wouldn't be so angry and dissatisfied with the ending. I wouldn't care about the characters, the story. But despite that, I just feel the need to rant, and get this off my chest. So please, don't take any of what I say as an attack to you or your writing/story.

It's just that a large part of me was hoping for them to work it out somehow, with or without the Hokage's help. I also figured that towards the ending of this story, Hinata would finally show her true strength and conviction by ordering that it's Neji, or the unborn child, proving that times, traditions, and rules are changing, and that she finally fully realizes that the council walk over her ONLY because she's letting them. When I started to read that line where she declares herself the rightful heiress, I thought that she would step up to the plate, and realize that SHE is the one holding all the cards, not them, and that SHE has more power over them than she thinks.

I'm just disappointed because there are so FEW decently written NejiHina fics on here, and I finally found one with great characterization, decent spelling/grammar, and intriguing plot, that as I go through each chapter, eyes glued to the screen, on the edge of my seat in suspense, I read the finale, and it has to be this (in my humble opinion) mediocre ending.

I just want them to be a family together, dammit. Ugh, I don't even know what this Jin Hyuuga looks like, and his name already leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. A vengeful part of me even wishes that Hinata won't have any more children, so that she and Neji's child gets all of her love and attention, even if the three of them can't be a family.

As a side note, I think you could have expanded more in the earlier chapters more on Hyuuga ANBU. Then, I feel the ending wouldn't have felt so...lacking in terms of the significance behind Neji's words. If Hyuuga ANBU are like the secret service, then I would've felt better, because at least Neji would have more of a valid reason to be near Hinata, and watch over their child more closely. Jin could...I dunno, die of a heart attack or whatever Idunreallycareabouthim. /sideways glance The council couldn't really do much by then, could they? They would already have an heir after all. ANBU!Neji and Hinata would naturally gravitate towards each other, now that Jin is out of the picture, but this time, they would be more discreet and careful, doing no more than a soft glance or a pat on the back in public. Then he could idunno sneak into her room at night or something /shrugs

That sounds like a good prompt for a slightly sweeter epilogue. I'd be interested in writing it, but I'd feel like I was stepping on somebody's toes if I did. /sigh

Oh well...
MizukiKira chapter 2 . 4/15/2011
randomly, as you were writing this, i was wondering why you think Neji and hinata should feel ashamed?

Theoritically speaking, Hyuga is a Clan family. And there for, would more than likely inbreed into the family to keep their special eyes.

Also, in Japan, it IS legal to marry your cousin, so I'm only saying...

None the less, wonderful work!
always-kh chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
hmm the idea of them together and like that is... odd. but intriguing too. and this is well written and somehow seems in character and i guess how they got to this stage will be explained too.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/5/2010
nice sense of humor with the aunts
Heise chapter 14 . 6/9/2010
YES I KNEW IT. I knew she wouldn't have done it!

Well no ... I actually thought she did it - BUT I'm glad she DIDN'T. Hehe.

Anyways. That one little victory aside ...

NOOOOOOOOOOO ... this is even worse than Romeo and Juliet! Even though Romeo and Juliet were idiots, they were lucky compared to Neji and Hinata. D: Oh my God. This sucks. Well not your story. THE TRAGEDY SUCKS. But not in the unrefined way. If anything, it's beautiful artistic. But I love to hate it and hate to love it. So in the end, nothing really made a difference. :( Freaking Hyuugas ... goddamn it ...

Good job, good job.
Heise chapter 13 . 6/9/2010
Holy crap man. My one pathetic little review is not going to do the rest of this story justice. At first I was totally expecting some PWP cause I was just bored, but this got really, really good. There's a certain fineness about everything you've brought into the story and I adore the level of detail you go into about the inner workings of Konoha clans. Everything you've added in this fanfiction to the world of Naruto is very believable and congruous to Kishimoto's style. Himori and Kaiya are nearly ically real characters from Naruto to me now, and I'm sure that if Kishimoto would ever focus more on the Hyuuga clan, there would be a character (or characters) like those pressing up against Hiashi and forcing him to make all these decisions seen as cruel by others who just don't understand. Yeah, I don't really see Hiashi as an incompetent asshole of a father even though wouldn't it be a cop out in fanfiction? Man, I love NejiHina a lot, and poor Neji! Everything is going so badly for him! Give him a break. And Hinata. God. I'm not sure if her choice to kill the baby (is that what it is ...?) is a sign of weakness. She's pretty strong to have dealt with all that shit from her family for all this time, but to really give up the baby ... is it a smart choice, though. Well I'm just going to have to read to find out.

Good job on writing this so far. It's great.
skydancer chapter 14 . 4/1/2010
I really loved this story. It's probably the best NejiHina fic I've read.
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