Reviews for Stargate meets Enterprise
Gatemage chapter 1 . 2/11/2006
that's good! Oh well if there are minor discrepencies. You should think about sequaling!
Dead-To-Me chapter 1 . 8/25/2005
Pretty good. Decent start, but what is with that Grace chick? Is she supposed to be the author or something becuase I really can't tell why she is in there. Crossovers have enough characters without adding your own one that's based off of yourself.
gaul1 chapter 1 . 4/25/2005
interesting, byes
Rachel Sparrow chapter 1 . 4/24/2005
That's it? *pouts* I thought there would be more. Hope you continue.
JOSH chapter 1 . 3/24/2005
This was really thought out well and an interesting read.
Bobby of the Endless chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
I don't want to sound critical, but there are a number of factual errors in your story.

For one hyperdrive is much, much faster than warp travel. They can travel hundreds of lightyears in hours, where it would take any warp-class vessel months, even years.

You need to think about the world that you're setting this in. Is the Stargate Network known to the Federation? If so, why isn't it used? You need to study the way the characters react in their own shows, to better emulate them in your writing.

Also, this comes across as a self-insertion fic. Not that I haven't written my own share of said stories, but you need to make your protagonist a little more three dimensional. If self-insertion pieces are your cup of tea, it might be better to consider writing original fiction, as opposed to fan fiction. There's for that.

Don't be discouraged by what others tell you though. With practise, everyone can improve.
moloch chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
Just to let you know the Enterprise's top speed isn't 8.9 unless its a typo. I think the Enterprise D's top speed is 9.9 for i2 hour.

There are a number of fansite that you can go to that you can use as referrence. You don't necessarily have to watch every episode... just double check your facts.

My question is that General O'Neill (currently) is a fan (I think) of Star Trek (from what I know)... then again I could be wrong.

Keep writing its a good start and ignore people who can't give constructive criticism.
The Thirteenth Sapphire chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
great story, i can't wait to see more.
Jerry Unipeg chapter 1 . 3/23/2005
Great start.