Reviews for Musings
pleasingXapparel chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
that was awesome! you went into great detail and i couldn't have asked for more.

I don't hug trees.They hug me chapter 1 . 4/14/2010
This is an amazingly captivating story. I love it, and I love your writing style.
StripedVenusFlytrap chapter 1 . 3/3/2010

This story was amazing.

This is very well-written, with brilliant grammar and with unique style. I love how the story progressed, and how we learn so much about them without being bombarded with information. I got a beautiful picture from this story, and I plan to read more of your works in the future.

Kisha chapter 1 . 5/26/2008
This is so cute! I love it. Keep up the awsomeness of your writing...I love roses...I used to smear them on my skin, so I know exactly what you're talking about ;3
Hollow Stares chapter 1 . 7/13/2006
You work well with words. I appriciate that. Your language is beautiful. It becomes so easy to forget- after reading so much fanfiction- how pretty words can be. Thank you for rebirthing by belief in the importance of language, and for your wonderful story as well. *brief huff of laughter* I saw this one story; the first chapter was perhaps two hundred words. There were few to no quotation marks and no descriptive words at all. It showed the understanding of language that I had as a pre-kindergardener. And do you know what? I read some of that stories reviews... and people LOVED it. I wanted to flame it, but... I simply couldn't bring myself to do it. *slumping sigh* Thank you. It was beautiful. I envy your ability. No, I don't envy you. I've had people say all the time to me "Gosh, you're so talented. I wish I were you." I look at my life and think 'yeah, same here'. So, as I don't know you're possition in life, it will suffice to say that I envy you're ability.

By the way, excuse my ramblings. I... don't talk to real people. Reviews are next to the only release I have. I'm sorry to have projected my emotions onto you. Hate me if you want, because I'll never know.
Miss Cassi chapter 1 . 4/16/2006
Very well written. Musings indeed. *smiles*

Great job. One of the best that I have read so far. *nods and smiles*
Aeyvi Allen Poe chapter 1 . 1/11/2006
beautiful. simply perfect. i loved it, great description. i wish you'd continue, maybe with a Zim POV?
MystiekaSenko chapter 1 . 8/10/2005

all I'm saying

Maie chapter 1 . 6/17/2005
Oh wow...hearing it from Dib's point of view was quite interesting, but I can't help but wonder what Zim's thinking throughout the time? Think you'll make a sequel?
engiebeeMediscoot chapter 1 . 6/6/2005
Hella yeah, ZADR are the best fics!
LittleMagenta chapter 1 . 5/23/2005
Aww, I liked it. Haha, I am so whoring myself out to the ZADR right now.

Oh, and in case you didn't know, Zim is roughly 150 years old in human years, but he's physically a human 17-year-old. It's the same with the Tallest. So Zim's like, physically five years older than Dib. Zim should live to be almost 700 years old. Haha, yes, I know I have way too much time on my hands.
Her Sweetness chapter 1 . 5/20/2005
Yeah, that's total Dibness right there. Great job. This was too cool. I loved all the big words... even if I don't know all of them... -

Oh well. Kudos.
Vesme chapter 1 . 4/26/2005
...Now I wonder about how Zim would feel. And that's just a tad bit creepy. I love the questioning nature of this fic, and this is the first fic I've read that brought up the age difference question that I've liked.
ZADRfan chapter 1 . 4/19/2005
Your silly dog-robot would always be there. Eating my food out of the cupboard. He’s downstairs munching on my dad’s Toast right now. I can feel it. I don’t think Membrane will notice.

I love you so much. Zim/Dib slash is the best. It makes me.. all...tingly inside.
necrophile chapter 1 . 4/16/2005
this was nice, i like this aLOt
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