Reviews for The Testament
kyuki619 chapter 19 . 6/21
Awwweee... this is getting good! I really want her to tell him her feelings and vise versa! Lol every time she accuse him of taking her pen, i crack up every time!
kyuki619 chapter 14 . 6/21
Yes, you are Eriol, yes you are falling for her
kyuki619 chapter 13 . 6/21
Haha Nakuru’s grilling them! Hmm... Eriol does care about her
kyuki619 chapter 9 . 6/21
Hahahahaha I LOVE THIS! Ohhhhhh Eriol, the CEO, blushing lol that’s cute!
kyuki619 chapter 8 . 6/21
Hahahah lol nice going Tomoyo! He blush too easy from her comment!
kyuki619 chapter 4 . 6/21
Hahaha lol the great Tomoyo took him down immediately! Nice job!
MAru-chan04 chapter 18 . 9/26/2019
pleaseeeeee updatee! I love the story! I hope you are alive and well u.u
kawena85 chapter 18 . 8/26/2018
Thank you for this story. This is still one of my favorite tomoyo and eriol stories. It is a mixture of sweetness and pain. I have reread it many times through the years and am still hopeful that you will one day pick up this story and give it a bit of a continuation.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/25/2018
Update plz :(
MAru-chan04 chapter 19 . 3/26/2018
I'm still waiting for an update of this wonderful story! u.u *-*
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2016
update pleaseeeee
DDB-NAKITA chapter 19 . 10/1/2016
after 11 years, there is no hope again for his story to update. I don't ask for my satisfication, but it such a pity for the characters if a story just left unfinished like this, and i like this story so much
kawena85 chapter 19 . 7/27/2015
Hmm...wondering if Tomoyo really does leave.
and when Eriol will finally realize his feelings for her. Part of me wants to see him suffer a little more first just like Tomoyo suffered.
madison camelia chapter 4 . 12/19/2014
mina xu chapter 19 . 9/20/2014
Eriol is a jerk! He was doing it for just...aghh?! poor tomoyo.. i bet she's never been kissed or touched! please send someone to your story a man who will make him jealous i hope it's touya or yukito or yue or kuronue! and please update it! raise ur flag author :-)
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