Reviews for Out of Character
Guest chapter 1 . 9/10/2015
I DO support narusaku so gonna pretend you didnt put that shitty demented an. Totally pathetic! Sakura should only be with naruto or lee. Not the asshole who thinks its all about him! So fuck you!
guest chapter 1 . 1/2/2013
Lmao cute. I love Temari and Shikamaru together and Naruto and Sakura are also a super awesome couple except Sakura is too friggin obsessed with crazy ugly ass sasuke. Sorry, had to get that out. Anyways thanks for this. :)
clumsyclown chapter 1 . 7/1/2010
cool plotline B) They really stays in character!
yunaluna95 chapter 1 . 2/15/2010
Very good and fuunny... It didn't really sound OOC for Shikamaru...ANywaay good job *Nice guy pose*
Pyromaniac-Girl chapter 1 . 5/16/2008
The authors note at the end was really detailed. It was interesting to read, I am glad that you put it in there, I like to know how other people see the relationships of the characters. Sorry did I just sound really boring?

I hope that you will write more ShikaTem soon!
rookie chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
i like this fic very much.. and i'm also desperate to see ShikaTem happening.. i like the way you make it out to be.. not too mushy, and they're acting like how they suppose to act.. looking forward reading ur next work :)
JustWriter2 chapter 1 . 3/4/2007
I love this! I'm adding it to my fav's!

-JWchan -
TWNJ chapter 1 . 2/20/2007
I couldn't agree with you more (about the A/N bit), no really, i can't.

I think they were just right; even though temari is cold and doesn't verbilize here feelings all the time...she does actually. like when shes trying to save her brother in the manga (admittedly i havn't read that bit for a while so could be wrong). She is actually like all the other females, spouting off etc tec, we just don't think of her that way because she spouts off about different things to what sakura or ino would, and is slightly more eloquent given her maturity. and i think that even though shika never normally gets flustered - if he were to, it would be something like that *points to your fic*. because he isn't getting all mushy and lovey-dovey and crying, hes just getting more irritated like hes going to a new level of troublesome. you get what i'm saying?*sweatdrop*

anyway love the story and i sure as hell will subscribe to the C2 you mentioned! *thumbs up lee style*
Lazyme-5 chapter 1 . 2/12/2007
I've loved it :)

it's one of the best i've ever read :) so please upload more

ItsTyrian chapter 1 . 11/9/2006
I think your characterization(s) work out just fine. I mean, Shika;s a genius, yes, but he's still a teenage boy. And...well, boys will be boys, and no amount of smarts can teach 'em how to handle the womens. ;D

Anyway cute story, I like it. 1.5 things I'd like to point out, is you kind of switched tense a few times. Best to avoid that. The .5 is more of a suggestion than something gramatically incorrect, and that's ellipses (...) for trailing off, and em-dash (— or -) for getting cut off. That's just a personal thing though...thought I'd throw it in, in case you like the idea. But yes, very adorable story...I've been reading fanfics all night, where the heck do you guys get these awesome ideas from?
Konrad chapter 1 . 11/6/2006
Lol, pretty good. I thought it was cute.
The All-Seeing Sharingan chapter 1 . 6/8/2006
Aw, that was so cute. I already liked this pairing, but now I think I'm going to become an all-out ShikaTem shipper. Keep up the amazing work!
KonohaKunoichi23 chapter 1 . 3/6/2006
Your style is really...uniquely you. It's great that you're a shikatem person.
kamiakeller chapter 1 . 12/28/2005
i know you said that you didnt think you got shikamaru right, but i imagine he would be like that if he really was dealing with something he wasnt used to, eg. temari, or generaly a girl who wasn't Ino!

encyser chapter 1 . 8/18/2005
OK, since you mentioned your other fics here, I checked them out. They were cute, really. Different perspectives on events leading to and preceding from the eventful meeting of NaruSaku and ShikaTem; it was kind of like fencing practice, attacking the same target from a different angle. I must say, though, this one was more complete.

The kissing scene in Goodbye was touching. And for a first attempt in writing about ShikaTem in Such, you did great. I'dvery much like to read more of your works!

Shame on you for not supporting NaruSaku, though.
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