Reviews for My Boss' Daughter
StellarMage99 chapter 7 . 1/30/2018
Simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight. Its hard to let it go. The daily things. Like this and that and what is what. That keep us all busy.
Are confusing me
Thats when you came to me and said
"Wish I could prove I love you but does that mean I have to walk...on water?" When we are older you'll understand its enough when I say so. And maybe some things are that simple. When you walk away you dont hear me say "Please~ oh baby! Don't go!" Simple and Clean is the way that your making me feel tonight. Its hard to let it go~Hold me. Whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on~Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all~
leipark26 chapter 8 . 3/9/2016
hala! Author are you perhaps a Filipino?
mina rei chapter 19 . 1/5/2016
maraming salamat sa pagpapatuloy sa kwento. Arigatou
Guest chapter 19 . 10/21/2015
I love this story you know it is my second time reading it. Hehehe Kawaii.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
Okay, I can't lie hear this story is amazing. Awwww they are just to cute together.
greenleaf55 chapter 2 . 5/13/2015
Hi, If you don't mind constructive criticism keep reading, if not don't bother. I know you might not be a native English speaker, and as an author you are probably just starting out so don't take anything personally.
This story of yours has a lot of favorites, and is very long by fanfiction standards, so its possible that most of the issues I have with your story will improve as the story progresses.
First, all your conversations are unnaturally stiff. You use a lot of simple sentences, and that gives the impression that the characters are all blunt, gruff, or childish ( almost to the point of retardedness. eg. the thieves' conversation in this chapter.)
Second, you have trouble with making your characters convincingly realistic. Part of this is due to their conversations, but another part is that you have never fleshed out their personalities. try explaining their points of view in a little more detail. I've wondered, "Why exactly does Sakura dislike Syaoran?" Understandably, she is annoyed at having a bodyguard tailing her, but she doesn't have a convincing reason to act so... so hostilely. This is kind of the main plot of your story, so its important.
Lastly, set the scene and try to avoid contradictions. For example, our heroes went home just as school was starting, but only arrived at Sakura's hour in the evening. (Why did it take so long? Did they walk there?) Then thunder and lightening came out of the ( as far as I knew) clear blue sky, long before there was any mention of rain. Finally, Sakura manages to FAINT from the COLD, when she in sitting in her room, just a few feet away from a closet full of clothes. Last time I checked, people can only faint from the cold when it's below zero and they have been out in the elements for more than a few hours, or if their body is going into sudden shock. She is not badly injured, and if there is a thunderstorm outside, you can bet your bottom dollar, that the temperature is above freezing.
Anyway, so much for my ranting.
I don't normally review, or offer criticism for authors on fanfiction. I'm doing this because I think you have a great plot going, but your inexperience is getting in the way of telling your story. To improve, I suggest reading more from other authors and analyze their good and bad points. Try reading Peacewish's stories, I think you'll like them.
I hope you have a good night, and I'll review again when I get to the end of your story.
kat2003 chapter 3 . 3/2/2015
Sakuray98 chapter 18 . 7/8/2014
Okay! I know this is silly for a review since the story is so old but I really want to write one! I might not even read it but I'll take a chance and have some hope! You have great ideas and good writing skills! To be honest I never had patience to read on the internet anything! I really hate and I only love books but your stories were really good for me to avoid! I am writing this after reading:
1) New horizons: it was the first story I read and I was really gripped by it and I really was waiting for more when the phone kept ringing but I was disappointed for how it was ended but I do get it that you were going threw a hard time!
2) My boss's daughter: it was FANTASTIC! though you were rude to Sakura when the engagement was called off and you made him leave. Also you kept saying over some chapters that they were lame so please have more faith in your writing and every book has two or three boring chapters for you have to explain things you don't want yet forced by the story!
3) Trauma: I am sorry but I was really disappointed by it and I really didn't get the idea of it but I don't want to be intruding on your privacy but it felt like you were explaining your situation.
4) I am certainly reading just marriage and it is really good but I can't give a review about it since I read only four chapters or three.

Yet I must say and I am sorry if I am being rude but I noticed too many spelling mistakes and just some little grammer mistakes. Please don't take it personal! Ah! And thanks for writing a lot if stories about Sakura and Shaoran since I really thought they deserved more than what Clamp wrote.

Best wishes,
Sakuray98. ( Just felt like writing my name )
LittleStars08 chapter 17 . 7/29/2012
;u; Beautiful story you got here
fay208 chapter 18 . 7/26/2011
omg I just cannot stop grinning, side effect of laughing. the syaoran trying to stop the wedding is just too dramatic and hilarious! I teared from laughter ya know! LMAO and sakura's respond too. omg, simply hilarious. she's acting all spoiled and the way syaoran put up with it. usually spoiled girls are annoying, but her act did not irk me at all. I love this fic, its sweet, to the last part. LOL
pikachu2510 chapter 18 . 10/17/2010
Ahhhh I knew it that Sakura was gonna b Syaorans childhood friend… I juss love seeing the reaction wenever some1 finds out somethin they didnt knoe ;p… in the beginning I thought that Yukito didnt actually wanna marry Sakura (didnt care either way), I thought that he only did that 2 make Syaoran jealous n make him find out his feelings 4 Sakura (all planned by Fujitaka)… lol in the end Sakura meets Syaorans sisters (feel srry 4 her o.O) i get how u wanted 2 have Meiling in there buh I dun understand the scene much ;p… I loved how u ended it… it was soo jks… I was kinda confused cuz the noise Syaoran made wen he kissed Sakura was “Mwah“… so in the endin im like wah? Sakura kissed Syaoran cuz he wasnt wearin his wedding ring? …that doesnt make sense… lol I loved the story… im sooo gonna read ur other stories… thx 4 writin the story I really liked it… hop 2 see ur future masterpieces xD

CVI chapter 18 . 5/1/2010
Ah, ya know, Tammi, from all of your fics, this one is my favorite! Kyaah
Keep writing nice fics, kay!
happyhinata chapter 5 . 4/20/2010
i loveed it
Miyong13 chapter 19 . 3/28/2010
i love this story :D
LittleMissMint chapter 9 . 2/27/2010
isn't that in sassy girl?,...hehe
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