Reviews for When I Tell Him
AnGellica A fan chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawe that was sooooooooooo messed. it was perfect.
Chibis Unleashed chapter 1 . 10/25/2012
I scanned all the reviews to see if anybody had mentioned it before, but not only are Gojyo and Sanzo well portrayed, but you /nailed/ the five-year-old mentality. It is a huge pet-peeve of mine to find fics with children who behave with a comprehension way beyond their years. In many ways, adults are easy. We are adults. We get adults. But here? You get kids. And that's harder.

I especially loved when you had Gojyo get him to say the mud was on him again, completely oblivious to the idea that Gojyo was just being an ass. And the screaming about not breathing. The entire time I was reading this, it was reminding me of 4-6 year old's that I know, and I can't think of another fic that has done that for me.

It also happened to be an endlessly entertaining and impossibly clever story, so many, many kudos for being awesome all-around!
RikuSora chapter 1 . 7/20/2012
Wow, that was...just wow. I cannot adequately describe how much I love this story. It's wonderful.
azab chapter 1 . 9/24/2010
i loved it a lot
Sweetheart Ninja chapter 1 . 6/27/2010
Of all the Saiyuki fanfics, this is the one I keep revisiting. The humor just slays me! You captured them beautifully. Brilliant!
Tia Paes chapter 1 . 3/21/2010
This story was so amazing that I am actually shocked. The ending, PERFECT.
pandawolf chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
It's so freakin' hilarious!

Only Gojyo can make this observation! XD
Yukino-chan chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
i love wat u hinted in e end...:D
the.twisted.queen chapter 1 . 2/5/2008
Oh wow, now this fic was absolutely precious. Honestly, I thought I was either going to die of the cuteness, or of sheer laughter. Beautiful!
Eyes of Shinigami chapter 1 . 11/26/2006
*is completely and utterly in awe of your awesomeness* This story was one of the best I do believe I have ever read. You are truly an awe-inspiring writer. Woof.

Your imagery was vivid, and the setting was perfect. But most of all, I have to say that your characterization of Gojyo was what sold me. I don't believe I've ever seen him portrayed this way, and that's a damn shame. It gives him a deeper side and makes him appear as more than he is so often pictured as.

And it just seems so damn appropriate that he's the one who finally gets Sanzo and Goku together, especially with the way your portrayed him. The closing paragraph was definitely my favorite, because it was a very profound thing to say. I was impressed.

Again, you are amazing. This is going on the faves, as well as my fave author. You have spellbound me. Thanks for a truly great reading experience.

dragonfly-affinity chapter 1 . 7/13/2006
Aw man! That was really good! Sweet and cute - and just like Gojyo! -winks- Sankyuu! -glomp- Have to fav this - it was just so good! Yatta!


Ryuniyo chapter 1 . 5/4/2006
This is just such a wonderful piece. I'm speechless by the very end. It's unique, it's creative, it's sentimental. I love it.
Blahsblah2001 chapter 1 . 2/12/2006
Awesome. I'm faving this definitely. It's so funny! I love the thought of Goku as a little kid. But there's some super- huge paragraphes that are kind of hard to read on a computer screen, you might wanna break those up.

Reiya Inc chapter 1 . 2/1/2006
Amazing. I love every little bit of this fic, my review can't do justice to it. Please continue writing Saiyuki fics!

Katherine4 chapter 1 . 1/20/2006
Oh *wow* oh *wow* oh *wow*

That was STUNNING. Ohmigod, I am in awe. I am speechless, utterly overwhemled by your TALENT. Oh *wow*

*adores madly*
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