Reviews for Wait For Me
InuKagz4everfan chapter 1 . 8/11/2013
This was incredible, I loved the ending, I'm not really a Kikyo fan, but she isn't that bad. I just think InuKag is the best. So...awesome one-shot!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2011
NOoo... Character death again T.T. I hate kikyo! Argh! She ruins everything! At least inuyasha chose kagome in the end...sigh. I do so HATE character death. Just so you know, this isn't a negative review, I though you did well on the story. This is more my rant space. Now I'll cheer up by "R &R"ing she's the man.
LeaMichelle chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
Haha, makeshift blanket? That makes no sense, damn she would have to have thick hair. It was great, like always, and I like how you ended it. Together in death... at least it's heaven, or I imagine Kagome and Inuyasha went to heaven and Kikyo to hell.

Wait... is the little review button actually purple?
Death101- Fox Version chapter 1 . 7/11/2010
Well the review button isn't purple anymore but the idea is still the same. Anyways, awesome job! I'm so glad that he picked Kagome. It must suck for the others left behind though. I wonder how they took it. Awesome job!

Believe in Bowties chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
oh love it
CrescentMoonWolf73 chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
You never really do know how much you love something before it is gone. That was really good. It explained the characters and their emotions (especially Inuyasha) beautifully, as well as kept them in their real character (Inuyasha at the beginning). Brilliant job!
Twinkie chapter 1 . 3/6/2007
I think it's indigo(I can't spell)Good job!


Zakuro.The.Wolf chapter 1 . 2/28/2007
ok it was nice but i'm confused are kagome and inuyasha going to heaven or is inuyasha going back to the real world?
Totally Kawaii chapter 1 . 2/28/2007

Tifa Sohma chapter 1 . 11/12/2006
... NO! she died! ack...
Hopeless Star Gazer chapter 1 . 8/17/2006
[sniff, sniff] that was so moving. He chose Kagome. That was so sweet. I love it. Keep it up
Random Fandom chapter 1 . 9/10/2005
Yes the button is purple. Lavender, really.

Aw! Again, I could have guessed without reading it that he would go with Kagome, you're not really a Kiykyo fan and neither am I. That was really great too. I feel so inferior. *Sniff* I guess it's good for me to feel inferior, deflate my head a bit. I liked stupid Inuyasha trying to figure out what they meant. It was very in character and beautiful (I like your bridge to death thing, that's cool) and just all around great. I don't think I can find a single imperfection. Plus those conversations where it's like going back and forth all speedy and not really telling you who says it but you know because of the words I really like. The one with Kagome and Kikyo both talking to Inuyasha was really good. Amazing fic, Lisa. So great.-RF
xXDarkTemptationsXx chapter 1 . 8/24/2005
Wow.. this story is really good! I didn't think it was blunt nor did I think it went quickly. Excellent one-shot!
Liquidmoon chapter 1 . 8/21/2005
this is a lovely story, well written and touching ending.. i'll be reading your other stories soon!
Jhermit chapter 1 . 7/23/2005
NO! Nobody should cut Inuyasha "B-E-A-YOOH-TEE-FULL" hair! HAHAs. Sorry, I'm high, I guess. _ Anyways, review me back! )
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