Reviews for Bittersweet Dreams
Hammy86 chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
It's been years but where ever you are good story yours was one of the first I read and got me into fanfiction as well as helped me through a deployment maybe one day you will come back. Cheers and god speed where ever you are
Phoebus Oberon chapter 2 . 8/1/2013
So I got to chapter 3, and I am effectively lost.
Did you do that on purpose?
OoOXylionOoO chapter 4 . 3/13/2013
Man this fanfiction complety lost me ..
I don't understand how Harry come to be laying in his bed with Tonks to dueling with Voldy...
And why Tonks come in the clothe shop ?
OoOXylionOoO chapter 2 . 3/13/2013
Man in one of those fanfic I really want Harry to have it with Fate !
Shag her senseless, make her cry out his name until she collapse !
Khaotic Order chapter 21 . 12/10/2011
this is awesome
Zuul chapter 21 . 9/16/2010
Hrm, just realized that this was my second time reading this story and that I hadn't even left a review.

I really did enjoy this story (hence, reading it more than once). Grammar's good for the most part. Story's coherent. The latter half of the story seems to be a bit rushed. Section breaks would do wonders for when you switch POV's between Harry, Kyoto, and Baretta. Other than that, I just loved the plot. (Ginny disemboweling herself on the dinner table had absolutely nothing to do with it.)

Pay no mind the butt-hurt slash fappers out there, who are disappointed by you staging Blaise as female.

Thanks for the enjoyable read.
Number1.laptopfanatic rated M chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
Blaise Zabini is a GUY.

Why does no one know this.

What kind of girl is named Blaise! No offense, but the story is a little bit (a VERY LARGE bit) confusing. I like the idea though. Anyway, I don't blame you for the mix-up. About 40% of all Harry Potter fans think Blaise Zabini is a girl.
darren foutley chapter 10 . 9/13/2009
Realmente ese personaje kyoto es una basura, es estúpido, no pudiste ponerle un nombre más ridículo verdad? Y lo peor es qué lo emparejas con la mamá de blaise. Realmente eres un retardado ojala reescribieras esta historia sin esa tontera de kioto.
Lily jimnez chapter 7 . 9/12/2009
you know? This story could have been the best story in the whole fanfiction world

had it not been for the OCs i am really trying to finish reading this story but i just can't stand all the oc part, they are very lame oc. Lamento decirte que la cagaste con ese kyoto compadre. Realmente esas partes son aburridosimas
TxA-GunFighter chapter 4 . 8/28/2009
Very good chapter.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 3 . 8/27/2009
Very good chapter.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 2 . 8/27/2009
Very good chapter.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
Very interesting start.

Thaliran chapter 21 . 5/28/2009
? confused here, the story cant be over, its to open i want to know whats going to happen next. but apart from that thanks for a lovely story, if not a bit confusing at times.
Stunna21 chapter 21 . 12/3/2008
good story sequel looks good and keep writing.
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