Reviews for To Serve and Protect
Sailor Solaris2 chapter 5 . 3/17/2019
I've had cereus poisoning multiple times. Only knew what it was cause of this story. Those 12 hours were miserable.
unluckyomen13 chapter 26 . 10/20/2018
Nice! 3
Kittona chapter 26 . 9/21/2018
this was really good, thank you so much for the read! I really enjoyed the premise of Joey being an undercover cop. I had a similar plot bunny for a different fandom that I never got around to writing because I just didn't have the background knowledge to do it justice so it was really fun to see you explore the idea in this story.
Afrieal chapter 19 . 9/6/2018
oh my giddy aunt i'm betting half the code in that program acted worse than the time two geniuses in the computer lab at school entered the program for gorp into the system but the pages in the magazine stuck together and it combined with oregon trail. The sounds that poor apple IIe made were pitiful.
Thank you for the blast from the past. I love how you're writing this story

Oh they had to reformat the computer twice to clear out all the glitches, coding in basic was scary back then.
Kitty Caesar chapter 25 . 10/31/2017
After all this time, this is still my favorite fanfiction. Ever.
I first stumbled across it in about 2005-2006, and I think about it every few years or so. This is probably my 5th or 6th full reading, and it’s a fucking delight every time. Thank you so much for creating this.

(I actually just finished the entire thing, but since I already left a review on chap 26, the system wouldn’t let me review again, so that’s why I’m leaving this here.)
lone goth-kitten chapter 26 . 5/15/2017
Loved this one. It is now among my favorite Puppy-Shipping ff! Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to reading more from you! ;-)
shotgunj chapter 26 . 2/23/2017
Not so much a review and a simple thank you for a wonderfully well written story. I know that is is fairly old but I'm also fairly new to reading fan fiction. This is my second read of this story and I love it. It has an interesting storyline/plot with lots of details and enough intimacy that adds to the story and not just sex for the sake on the one-shot. I'm especially fond of the Seto/Jou stories. I also like Insider Trading for the same reasons. I see that you are writing for another fandom now. I would like to ask/implore you to write more for the original Yugioh fandom. I'm being selfish, but this is lots out there written but much of it isn't very good, you are one of the few authors that has made it worthwhile to keep reading. Again thank you for a great stories.
shotgunj chapter 26 . 2/23/2017
Not so much a review and a simple thank you for a wonderfully well written story. I know that is is fairly old but I'm also fairly new to reading fan fiction. This is my second read of this story and I love it. It has an interesting storyline/plot with lots of details and enough intimacy that adds to the story and not just sex for the sake on the one-shot. I'm especially fond of the Seto/Jou stories. I also like Insider Trading for the same reasons. I see that you are writing for another genre now. I would like to ask/implore you to write more for the original Yugioh genre. I'm being selfish, but this is lots out there written but much of it isn't very good, you are one of the few authors that has made it worthwhile to keep reading. Again thank you for a great stories.
jessie4491 chapter 26 . 1/22/2017
keysam23 chapter 26 . 10/8/2016
Even though I am totally unfamiliar with this fandom, not to mention the card game, I love this story. Thank you very much for sharing!

(not sure why all this appears to be underlined...)
Shoetsu Otaku chapter 10 . 4/10/2016
You explained this Japanese, but what about the nushi joke?
1enchantedgirl chapter 26 . 3/10/2016
Wow. I am so blown away with this amazing well of knowledge you have. It was truly a pleasure to spend more time with you. I am curious as to what hair product Joey is using to have his hair grow so quickly in such a relatively short time.

I am looking forward to reading your again, do you have any new posts or are you posting somewhere else?
QueenofRhymes chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
I love this. I needed to read this type of story. Seeing its summary was like a gift from wbove. Thank you
AlisonK chapter 26 . 4/12/2015
I was completely unfamiliar with this fandom, but I have to say it didn't matter. You totally made me fall in love with the central pair and I was delighted to see there were a couple of short fics from the same AU for me to read as well. I could happily read lots more about Joey & Seto!

Thanks for sharing your writing.
Greysh chapter 25 . 1/1/2015
wow! I thought it may be a woman, because there was no real proof that the letter man was male. But an old lady!? I did not see that coming. She caused so much trouble!
at least they are safe now :)

a good twist!
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