Reviews for Forever
Maryia chapter 3 . 6/30/2019
"Bello non รจ abbastanza vicino descrivere come osservate" doesn't mean anything. Only somebody who is dislexic would say something like that (and maybe not even then). If you want to say "Beautiful is not close enough to describe how you look" then you should say: "Dire che sei bella non ti rende giustizia" which has not been translated literally, but is far more accurate than what you wrote. Just so you know, Google translate does a crappy job, and it shouldn't be trusted.
eltaylor26 chapter 4 . 12/23/2018





I kinda hate Ron as a character so I am VERY happy with this development...Heheeeeee
twlightbella chapter 13 . 12/22/2018
Huriya chapter 11 . 12/5/2018
I get that Hermione is hurt because she couldn't chase her dreams but damn darling calm tf down
Grahamgirl93 chapter 14 . 6/30/2018
So good... I like Blaise and Hermione together & you did a great job with this story!
lilikaco chapter 3 . 3/2/2018
Awww blaise is so sweet
lilikaco chapter 2 . 3/2/2018
lilikaco chapter 1 . 3/2/2018
Love this!
Hermione Artemis chapter 14 . 11/26/2017
The sweetest, tenderest, romantic and beautiful story I've ever read.
Write more like these with Blaise and Hermione shipping.
twlightbella chapter 7 . 11/21/2017
Their married
Guest chapter 4 . 8/26/2017
He's baring his soul...not bearing it.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/26/2017
What's the matter with you? It's spelt 'marrying' not 'marring'! It's irritating to constantly read that!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/22/2017
I HEAT doing reviews and IHEAT HEAT HEAT spelling I know I mess up on spelling on both of these chapers reviews but. I TRY I do really but I still miss up and my SAMSU and chell just make it worst soOn not going to do it any more but. I will finish you story life I like it so far and it seems neat so seeming how I not hoping to do any more reviews I end with somthing eles happy and that isthank you very much for this story it nice of you to share.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/22/2017
So Dumbledore and Moody (aka Mad Eye) are two others didn't die like they orignaly did good I like them. As you know from reading my review for chapter one O heated that Ron died. Like Hermione I thought they are ment to be but Lucius destroyed that by killing Ron, I know that Ron is miss by everyone but especially Hermione I'm just happy that she is chairing a flat with not only Harry but Genny to I believe that is good for all three of them, I don't like how Hermione feels like the third weal at times now that Genny and Harry are dating hopefully she doesn't feel that way offten. It looks like Draco friend was a little slow in having him the papers that the law had been realest for Blaise and Anthony Goldsturn made a request forHermione's hand before he did boywhat a bummer (NOT!) I don't really know Anthony but even if he assent bad I still whave wanted Hermione pick Blaise which she did but she really didn't have a choice itwaseathe the monster Draco or hoever Anthony is or Blaise or leave the wizarding world which is basically her life seeming how her second family lives in it and most of if not all her friends as well as having her warnd broke. This law is appalling Hermione risk her life to save the wizarding wold while most of the Ministry did nothing and this is how they repay her and don't forget all those other muffle borns lady's name
Cows Go Moo chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
Of course thethe Great Wizard War took many lives that what a war does yet sadlysometimes they are necessary or even safer there is no way but war. The Great Wizard War is one of thoes kind thatthere wad no other way around it, it took far to many lives and I'm NOT just talking about the side that so deservingly (aka the light side or whatever you befure) won but the other side to the (dark side if you will) I HEAT that Ron turned out to be one of those especially if Fred also died. Please don't get me worng Ron Death is sad no matter what but the lost of two Weasley's a bit safer then the lost of one. War shucks on many levels it is cruel it still children childhood's it kill's hope and dreams and there is a never ending pain that war leaves even when it been gone for many years all war is like that even the ones that or in some way necessary. I dislike that Draco is evil (even though he pretty awesome at it) I was kinda hoping that bow that his father send Voldemort are gone he would have changed but obviously he fid not. It angers me that the Ministry let Draco go I see no good coming from it none at all and the law ooooo the law it ten times worse for everyone especially the ones forced to do Blaise is able to help Hermione out. The only way Draco can persuade Hermione in to marrying him is bytelling her if she does he will not harm those she cares for and if she does not the she pay greatly as will those she care for, for she to smart to believe that he changed his ways and be good or if the otherside were worse then him. It is obvious that Blaise have cared for Hermione for quite some time atespecially after reading about there last confrontation before the war started (he chose her didn't he) does Genny know about Blaise liking Hermione because it kinda seems like she does. I'm happy that Snape didn't die I wonder if there is any one else that died in the movesame and books made it in your story. Guess there is only one way to find that out which is by reading obviously to the next chapter.
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