Reviews for Discworld Big Brother
rabidpotatochip chapter 17 . 12/8/2011
'"It seems that all of Angua's many dwarves are surrounding your last and final troll, Vimes," said Vetinari.'

Good lord, that line left me gasping for air... seriously. Aside from the fact that you perfectly channeled Pratchett with it it was just bloody hilarious. Absolutely my favorite part of your story so far. Can't wait to finish it.
Anonymized Artichoke chapter 3 . 6/11/2010
OH MY GODS. Rincewind being eaten by a chair. Everyone crushing on Angua. Susan's terrifying cheerfulness. Reference to the great Tomjon! Vetinari making everyone nervous! This is brilliant!
CarrieVS chapter 20 . 5/16/2010
Not half as bad as I expected.

Quite good actually.

Considering that it's Discworld BB, very good indeed.

Some parts had me in stitches, and mostly it was very imaginative.

For the most part well written, although I must warn you: Beware of the Homonyms!
Gothgirlreid chapter 20 . 7/5/2009
okay. i know that im probably far too late to vote for the story to continue, but i think that it should.

it's funny, and brilliant, and it's written fantastically.

even though i know im probably too late, please continue the story...
SmileysRoxSox chapter 20 . 6/5/2009
Ok, I know it's unlikely you're ever going to continue or even read this, but I LOVE THIS STORY! It's hard enough to find a good Discworld story so I've been reading this over the last two days and not knowing is going to kill me. (
Gothgirlreid chapter 1 . 5/15/2009
lol, love it
lovova chapter 20 . 1/14/2009
Hm...well, I'm not sure how long ago this was updated, but if it was resent and your still trying to decide, my advice is to wait until you feel like writing again. A reader can tell if the writer enjoyed writing what they were writing, and it often effects their work. This is an excellent story, and I think in the favor of letting it be completed with the quality it deserves, I'm sure us readers can wait until you get the Pratchett bug again.*

And as for this 'not being any good' idea you have, I highly doubt that's the case. You might not be quite as inspired anymore, but I'm sure you're still just as excellent a writer as you've always been.

Will keep an eye on this story. Good luck to you.


*And the bug -always- comes back, after awhile. _
The Lammynator chapter 20 . 8/14/2008
Please please please continue writing this I'm really enjoying this its great. if u do not complete i will kill u after forcing u to complete

The Lammynator (Alex)
granular chapter 20 . 3/15/2008
How DARE you even THINK about leaving it!
Death and Destruction chapter 1 . 12/12/2007
I simply love this fanfic, easily the best discworld one I've read, quite funny, with a humor style similar to Terry Pratchett as well. I would definitely like to see more on this.
tom dick and harry chapter 20 . 6/14/2007
End it! I want them to get out and there to be Huge Green Things With Teeth!
rubeo ink chapter 20 . 6/2/2007
don't stop! this has made me laugh so much! i'd really like to see who wins!
Meg chapter 20 . 4/13/2007
Keep going! Please? I must know what happens! This is one of my favorite fanfics. (Pleasepleaseplease with coffee on top).
ToxicBunny chapter 20 . 3/23/2007
I definatley want you to continue!I've been checking this story everyday for like the last 2 years! Go you!
A. Person chapter 20 . 3/21/2007
Continue it! For the love of all that's good and holy, you can't just leave it hanging like that. Any sort of conclusion is better than not knowing how it ends.
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