Reviews for As Time Passes
Guest chapter 25 . 8/5/2019
Omg I hope you die! You thick bitch cunt! Here's the truth. Naruhina happens, he Hokage, she housewife but still strong. They have 2 kids a boy and girl and they're truly happy and in love. Sasgay is with suckura but is away for over 10 years and doesn't cuddle her when he's back. Hes aloof and doesn't care. She births one bitch that's as useless and weak as her mummy. And even she doubts their "love." Do your homework. Naruhina is a loving happy family. Shikatema, minakushi, inosai, chokarui etc, all happy. Suckura alone while sasgay off doing non stop missions. Fuck you you desperate pathetic sakutard!
Guest chapter 24 . 8/5/2019
More lying shit from a desperate delusional ugly sakutard! She would never be suggested for anbu. She's a weakling! Fuck off! Oh and he doesn't only be warm to that skank. She's not fucking special. He only ever gives a warm smile to Naruto!
Guest chapter 23 . 8/5/2019
Tenten is the only one that should boast about weapons as she uses them to protect everyone. That shadow shuriken wasn't a family thing as everyone knows it. And if not for Naruto using the transformation and becoming it, sasgay wouldn't have beaten the water prison. Stop ignoring narutos good actions. Oh and sasgay didn't give a shit about suckura girly actions! Stop the lying you fuck up!
Guest chapter 22 . 8/5/2019
This was sweet. Pity you have no stories of Naruhina as adults with their rightful children! You sakutards just can't accept that Naruhina is the best pairing along with shikatema and minakushi. Ino is happy with sai as well. So real happy families and yet you tards have to kill them off in your shit stories and lie about suckura and sasgay! Freak!
Guest chapter 21 . 8/5/2019
Tsunade would've sentenced him to death. By rights he killed too many innocents. He was worse than Itachi. He had no problem killing suckura, and would have, if Naruto hadn't saved her worthless ass. She is NOT his reason to live. He lives to protect the village and is loyal only to Naruto! Naruto is the only one that gets anything out of him. But the you lying sakutards will do anything and change everything to suit your desperate needs! You're fucking pathetic!
Guest chapter 20 . 8/5/2019
More bullshit lies! Sasgay did NOT kill Itachi. The illness finished him. Suckura is NOT strong and wouldn't have been part of any group to subdue sasgay. She begged Naruto to do it for her! Fuck off you lying dumb sakutard!
Guest chapter 19 . 8/5/2019
Omg you're so full of shit and poison! Once again you're a lying little bitch. Itachi fought with sasgay but died after his sacrifice and the illness claimed him. Sasgay never killed him. Suckura was nowhere near. He had Karin then as he was a traitor and formed his own team. He still thought if the skank as annoying! She didn't earn anything. Plus Itachi is so much more sensible. He wouldn't choose a scum like suckura. Sasgay gas disgraced his name. He only chose suckura cause she kept chasing him. Karin would've been better than suckura! Once again tards lie and cheat and kill off better characters! Grow up you pathetic, worthless piece of shit!
Guest chapter 18 . 8/5/2019
You DO hate Naruhina as 3 of your stories had their deaths in it and you're a liar. I knew you were a tard! Sasgay and suckura are the WORST pairing in anime history! That's the truth. They also didn't marry before Naruhina. There's nothing about their getting married. It was Naruhina that had the whole village coming for. They don't care about a traitor and his slut! Go fuck yourself you pathetic tard! You clearly don't have a brain!
Guest chapter 17 . 8/5/2019
Fuck off you fucking bitch! Long life for you?! You deserve to die slow and painful! Proof that you're a sakutard scum whore! You yet again kill off the BEST pairing and lie about the worst pairing in the history of anime! You're a fucking dumb slut!
Guest chapter 16 . 8/5/2019
Load of shit. Once again, lies. Sasgay would've left her if she ever slapped him, but she's so weak she never dies! Another reason I hate her. Happy to have a go and hurt Naruto and Lee, but doesn't touch her sasgay! She probably didn't do anything. She's a useless piece of shit! Get it fucking right and stop lying!
Guest chapter 15 . 8/5/2019
Sasgay does NOT fucking need suckura you skanky fucking whore. Karin would've been better for him. She's strong, beautiful, and could've provided an heir, unlike skankura. She has skin, not porcelain. Fucker! She's always hurting Lee, saying I thought he'd be happy. He truly loved that worthless bitch, unlike her who just had a schoolgirl fucking crush! You're pathetic you damned sakutard! I wish you'd all die really. You're nothing but poison! If suckura had got with Lee I may have respected her a bit as shed have been proof that looks aren't everything. But no, she's chase after sasgay like a little kid and is now in a loveless relationship while Lee has a son that respects him and a wife that loves him. While suckura gas a guy who lives away from her and a slutty girl as weak as her mummy , as annoying as mummy and who doubts their relationship. The true, sane fans know the truth. Your stories of suckura are really screwed up you lying retard!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/5/2019
Are you just an ignorant fucktard?! It was Naruto that clobbered him and brought him out of the darkness. Yes tenten is a good teammate and a good sparring partner for him but it's only cause he wanted to work on his rotation, not cause she's special. He said it himself, Naruto saved him from the darkness. Sick if you idiotic fucks. You just ignore everything Naruto did, dare to call him immature even though he also brought sasgay from the darkness. He was the only one that could get any reaction from sasgay, not suckura! Who do you tards think you are, ignoring all narutos work and daring to say suckura is strongest etc. I wish I could snack you. I know if never want to meet a brain-dead cunt like you!
Guest chapter 13 . 8/5/2019
Typical. Sasgays so vain he thinks a kiss will be an ok present. But then it's the schoolgirl suckura. She's pathetic. Kurenai, asuma and guy wouldn't get her anything. She's not special to them. She has green eyes and lips. Not jade and full. She is plain and ugly and not worth shit!
Guest chapter 12 . 8/5/2019
Very cute except for the suckura and sasgay part. She's so vain she expects Naruto to always single her out. He doesn't like her anymore! He grew up and found someone 1000 times better than that abusive little skank!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/5/2019
I'd love to stab you right now! In real Naruto, he is Hokage, way above and stronger than sasgay who dies solo missions not as an anbu and leaves his so called wife at home for over 10 years, plus their slutty daughter as suckura can't give him an heir. Tsunades fave person is Naruto, not skankura! She is NOT an anbu as she's not strong enough to hold her own and always needs her fat ass saving! Naruto is not immature when he's older. He's really amazing! Even younger he came up with some great strategies! Your stories are complete shit! You're obviously a sakutard as they all lie about that waste of ink, plus you killed Hinata you nasty little bitch! You're incapable of writing the truth about suckura and have to lie. You're lying about your story as it's not Naruhina as you killed her you slut! Hinata wouldn't die that easily. She holds her own much better than skankura. Oh and btw suckura is a shit mother in the anime and is always out. Her brat has to make din we. Plus even her kid, who looks more like Karin, questions their so called love! Suckura is a shit kunoichi, hinata is do much better. End of! You sakutards are pathetic pieces of shit that need putting on an island and blowing up!
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