Reviews for Flashpoint: Time of No Regret
heath 999 chapter 3 . 10/15/2005
Really cool story, I enjoy it so far. Please continue.
Zeng Li chapter 3 . 7/27/2005
Hey, Athena! Long time since the days of RaC! Found this fic while browsing other users who have me tagged as a fave author or story.

Glad to see you're writing FF7 again. I wish I knew more about the plot and stuff in Before Crisis, and this is the first thing I'm reading that has anything relating to it. Working on some multi-chpt fics of my own. Anyway, good job, and I hope to see more of this story.
space mermaid chapter 3 . 4/12/2005
I read the title of this as "Sheepless Nights" for the longest time...

I'm not sure if I already reviewed this -my memory is horrendous- but I've been reading since it was first published and I'd like to say how much I love what you did with everyone. I was going to say something on your excellent details and writing style when the ADD kicked in halfway through the chapter and my mind wandered to something else...

You uncanny ability for thinking up kickass names. XD I can't think up names for beans, so consider this a huge compliment, haha. Keep this up!
Enter User ID or Pen Name chapter 1 . 4/11/2005
Hi. In your profile you said you lost your acount to a hacker. So did I. I and some friends know a way to restore acounts, and were working on mine right now. If your interested, email me.

Nice Stroy however.
Reno Spiegel chapter 3 . 3/3/2005
-arrogant stretch- Yeah, knowing I'm watching makes people tend to write Reno. . .err. . . Anyway, keep going with this. As you know, anything Reno-centric will keep me hot for updates.
space mermaid chapter 2 . 2/21/2005
No way. That's not an original character that's a small part of a big masterpiece. Honestly, this fic deserves a lot more reviews than it already has. /Excellent/ job if I do say so myself. EXCELLENT. XB And yes. Wren and Reno are now teh evil twins that Hojo created when he got bored.

...Cause they both have the spiky hair 'n stuff.

I loved the details you added in here and there, especially the background of everything. From the way Scarlet seemed to carry herself (along with Tseng's silent notes on everything about it) to the way Aerith and Reno spokeand interracted. Everything was just placed perfectly and gave just enough information in the right places. Please continue, this is definitely going on my favorites. YAY OR SOMETHNG! :D And it makes me love Reno all the more. fangirlasms .

-Elena of Trauma
Feline Fortuneteller chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
I liked the story so far, but hurry up with the next chapter, (assuming there is one)because, in all honesty, this makes a really lousy one-shot.

"Be careful of forgetfulness, your lucky color is blue."

Feline Fortuneteller
Reno Spiegel chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
And welcome back to the fandom, for we've missed you greatly. I love your writing, I love the Turks, and I love shout-outs, so this is one big squeefest for me. That last line sounds a bit familiar. xD Keep it up; I'll be hanging around for updates.