Reviews for You've Got Mail!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/8/2016
man I'm crying from love and happiness for them I loooooovvvvvvveeeeee this! It makes me feel...whimsical
They actually do belong together
~sigh ~
Only if they did this in the original Teen Titans
bbraedpsam4ever chapter 8 . 2/7/2016
man I'm crying from love and happiness for them I loooooovvvvvvveeeeee this! It makes me feel...whimsical
They actually do belong together
~sigh ~
Only if they did this in the original Teen Titans
bbraedpsam4ever chapter 4 . 2/7/2016
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*fangirl scream*
~sigh~ if only he told her
bbraedpsam4ever chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
Love it
Montydragon chapter 4 . 4/5/2014
Well, it's about time, Robin. It took you long enough in the original, but that was ridiculous.
justalittlekittycat chapter 8 . 11/12/2013
Beautiful story
Guest chapter 8 . 12/23/2012
Really good story started with bb and Rae ended with them good job keep writting
Kusami32 chapter 8 . 12/19/2012
Awwww! I loved that ending! if anything i wish the ending lasted a little bit longer but if you felt it was good this way then I'm happy. I LOVE your work so much! Thank you for that wonderful story. I love that movie and this i love so much as well.
Kusami32 chapter 6 . 12/19/2012
Your author notes at the end always give me a laugh lol. I really liked this chapter the last paragraph was so sweet :3 Your an awesome author and the only thing i dislike about this story is i dont know a bunch of the words you use but i can use a dictionary lol. It gives it depth so i dont mind. I thank thee for the pleasure of reading this wonderful story of fluff.
SilentThief chapter 8 . 11/28/2012

-starts doing a victory dance while cheering; Cy joins in-

'Bout time you two! :D
Sergeant Daniel chapter 8 . 7/28/2012
This was really good. I love it.
Shadow Walker chapter 8 . 5/5/2012
Thank goodness for me typing on my keyboard. If I were clapping any longer my hands would bleed! Great job
Anthony1l chapter 8 . 4/19/2012
This story is hilarious, interesting, original, touching, and unique.
mangopoptart chapter 1 . 7/19/2010
Heey i really loved the whole story and the idea! it wuz awesome. but i just feel like you made Beast Boy sound a little to poetic and, well, smart over the email things. but other than that, quality stuff xP
azxJenS chapter 8 . 11/11/2009
Eek! Loved it! Simple and sweet as a chocolate factory! X3
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